Nowadays after graduation many highly educated young men become members of the ant tribe. They have a low income and live togeth

admin2016-01-26  33

问题     Nowadays after graduation many highly educated young men become members of the ant tribe. They have a low income and live together in a small room. What do you mink of the ant tribe?
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
    My Views on Ant Tribe


答案 My Views on Ant Tribe Ants are famous for their ability to survive, and so is the group of young residents known as the "ant tribe" , a term coined by sociologists to describe the struggling young migrants, who, armed with their diplomas, scramble to big cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, in the hope of living a better life only to find low-paying jobs and poor living conditions. The state of ant tribe has prompted a national concern. People wonder how the ant tribe comes into being. I think there are many complicated reasons contributing to the formation of it. Firstly, college graduates, with hopes for a higher quality of life, rush to large cities because of the big rural-urban and rich-poor gap. Secondly, the dramatic increase in university enrollment over the past decade produces a growing number of college graduates, who lose their glamour in the fierce competition of the job market. At last, the appeal of the low cost of living attracts thousands of young migrants to the outskirts. Fortunately many young "ants" are optimistic about their future, expecting a higher-paying job and a brighter future. To them, the hardship is temporary and necessary to achieve their urban dream. But it doesn’t mean we can turn our back upon them. The ant tribe phenomenon sounds the alarm for college students, and it also calls our attention to the pressure of employment, housing and so on. Ants have dreams, and these dreams deserve our concern and protection even though they are small.

解析     本题属于自由发挥型题目,要求考生就当前备受人们关注的蚁族现象发表看法。“蚁族”是对“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”的典型概括,是继农民、民工、下岗职工这三大弱势群体之后的第四大弱势群体。他们受过高等教育,主要从事保险推销、广告营销、餐饮服务等临时性工作,有的甚至处于失业或半失业状态;平均月收入低于两千元,绝大多数没有保险和劳动合同;平均年龄集中在22-29岁之间;他们主要聚居于城乡结合部或近郊农村,形成独特的“聚居村”。那么,如何看待蚁族现象,题目要求考生对此展开分析,提出自己的观点和看法。由于是自由发挥型题目,我们可以从以下几点进行分析:
