A、The importance of studying "Feng Shui". B、A practical interpretation of "Feng Shui". C、How to avoid attacks from behind. D、Way

admin2021-03-06  17

M: I have a question.I’ m never quite sure where to sit during a business meeting.
W: The ancient Chinese art "Feng Shui" teaches that you should never sit with the door behind you - and actually there’ s a scientific reason for that.When a person’ s back is placed towards an open space he becomes stressed; his blood pressure increases and his heart beats faster.
M: That makes sense! People subconsciously worry about getting attacked if they don’ t know what’ s going on behind them.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?

选项 A、The importance of studying "Feng Shui".
B、A practical interpretation of "Feng Shui".
C、How to avoid attacks from behind.
D、Ways to arrange seats for a business meeting.


解析 本题是考查主旨主题大意 类的题型。对于对话来说,两个对话者讨论的永远只有一个主题。参赛者需要从对话者两方的话语中寻找答案,抓住反复提及的关键字或者关键意思,根据所得关键信息来分析和综合概括。本题中题目询问这两个说话者在讨论什么。录音材料中男士提出如何在会议中选座的问题,女士则首先说“The ancient Chinese art ‘Feng Shui ’ teaches that you should never sit with the door behind you”,也就是介绍对于这一问题“风水”中有的解答,然后女士具体解释了这种解答的原因,之后男士对于这一解答表示了同意。综合整篇短对话的内容可知,它是在对“风水”这一词汇在实际生活中的运用进行阐述,故选B。
