场景:一组面试的大学毕业生正在等待某个公司主管的面试,他们面带微笑,各自憧憬着美好的未来—高薪、高职、大房子、跑车、沙滩海岸带薪假期…但他们都忽略了一件事,那就是他们必须从头做起、努力工作才能换回梦想的一切。 1) 用自己的话描述以上情境;

admin2010-11-27  41

问题     场景:一组面试的大学毕业生正在等待某个公司主管的面试,他们面带微笑,各自憧憬着美好的未来—高薪、高职、大房子、跑车、沙滩海岸带薪假期…但他们都忽略了一件事,那就是他们必须从头做起、努力工作才能换回梦想的一切。
    1) 用自己的话描述以上情境;
    2) 试着分析上述情境体现出的心态;
    3) 你的观点。
    You should write about 160—200 words neatly.


答案 A group of college graduates are waiting for interviews with a representative of the company. With smiling faces, they are dreaming of many good things that await them: large salaries, high positions, huge mansions, fancy sports cars, and holidays on sandy beaches. However, none of them consider the hard work required for obtaining all these things nor do they realize that they must begin working in a low position. Their dreams are also common among today’s college graduates. Though all people dream of a good life, the above expectations cannot be obtained in the short run. When students me to realize they must work diligently for many years to reach their goals, they may become discouraged and lose their passion for their present jobs. Truly, there are many reasons why graduates nowadays may become frustrated as they begin to work. Many graduates grow up in a happy home-and-school environment. They have never faced poverty, nor dealt with serious problems on their own. Once they leave the ivory tower, everything changes. During school, they didn’t have to worry about money, but now they find that their money is tight. To make matters worse, many graduates are badly lacking in experience of working and living independently. As a result, many will run into financial problems. Another problem confronting now graduates is that their university major is seldom useful at the beginning of their career. For instance, a student with a degree in civil engineering may discover that he must work as a typist to support himself, upon which he might feel a little depressed. Facing these realities, the graduates of today must learn to work hard and quickly be adjusted to the demands of the modem world. This is difficult since they are short of experience, but those who fail to fit in may lose their jobs.

