中国的烹饪艺术不仅限于满足人们的口福那么简单,它还强调体现食物的审美价值,所做菜品应该色、香、味俱全。菜品的色泽必须让人赏心悦目,而色彩的协调在菜品制作的过程中就已经了然在心了。 菜品中不同层次的味道也应像菜品的各种颜色一样保持协调。中国菜有五种基本

admin2019-05-27  33

问题    中国的烹饪艺术不仅限于满足人们的口福那么简单,它还强调体现食物的审美价值,所做菜品应该色、香、味俱全。菜品的色泽必须让人赏心悦目,而色彩的协调在菜品制作的过程中就已经了然在心了。


答案 The art of Chinese cooking has always extended far beyond the simple need to satisfy the stomach. Attention is also paid to the aesthetic appreciation of food, and careful consideration is given to the aroma and appearance of a dish as well as its flavor. The color of a dish has to be satisfying to the eye, and the balance of colors is kept in mind during its preparation. Different tastes should balance each other as the colors do. The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes. They are: sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and salty. The sense of smell is satisfied by avoiding all unpleasant smells, as well as those strong ones which might dominate the rest. Chinese cooking art basically includes four aspects: the selection of ingredients, cutting and garnishing, temperature, and cooking techniques.

