东汉(the Eastern Han Dynasty)末年,蔡伦的造纸术被广泛运用。到了公元3至5世纪的两晋时期(period of Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties),人们利用纸张写字,并由此发展出写在纸上的书法艺术(c

admin2015-08-31  33

问题     东汉(the Eastern Han Dynasty)末年,蔡伦的造纸术被广泛运用。到了公元3至5世纪的两晋时期(period of Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties),人们利用纸张写字,并由此发展出写在纸上的书法艺术(calligraphy)。中国的造纸术先后传到了越南、朝鲜、日本。公元7世纪左右,又传到了印度。造纸术还通过陆上丝绸之路(the Silk Road)传到了西亚、欧洲。欧洲的造纸业大致从公元12世纪开始,在这之前,欧洲人主要使用羊皮等来书写,据说书写一本《圣经》,需要三百多张羊皮,可见其昂贵程度。造纸业的兴盛,开创了人类文明的新纪元。


答案 In the late of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun’s paper making technology broadly came into use. In the period of Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties (the 3rd to 5th century AD), people began to write on paper and calligraphy on paper was developed correspondingly. Chinese paper making technology was introduced to Vietnam, Korea and Japan, and around the 7th century was introduced into India. Paper making technology was also introduced to West Asia and Europe through the Silk Road. The papermaking industry in Europe started in the 12th century. Before that, European mainly wrote on sheepskin. It is said that a Bible needed more than 300 sheepskins, which was evidently expensive. The rise of papermaking industry started a new era of human civilization.

