舞狮(lion dance)是中国的一种传统舞蹈形式,在重大节日和隆重活动中经常可以看到。舞狮起源于三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period),至今已有1000多年的历史。舞狮一般由两人表演,一人舞狮头,另一人舞狮身和狮尾。表演者在锣鼓

admin2016-09-17  35

问题     舞狮(lion dance)是中国的一种传统舞蹈形式,在重大节日和隆重活动中经常可以看到。舞狮起源于三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period),至今已有1000多年的历史。舞狮一般由两人表演,一人舞狮头,另一人舞狮身和狮尾。表演者在锣鼓(gongs and drums)音乐的伴奏下,表演狮子的各种动作。舞狮随着华人移居海外而闻名世界,尤其是在东南亚国家,但每一个国家和地区都有自己的舞狮风格。


答案 Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in China, which can be often seen in important festivals and great events. With a history of over 1,000 years, lion dance can date back to the Three Kingdoms Period. There are usually two performers in lion dance, one handling the lion’s head, and the other playing the body and the tail. They perform all kinds of lion’s movements to the music played by gongs and drums. As the Chinese migrate abroad, lion dance is famous all over the world, especially in Southeast Asian countries; however, each country and region has its own dancing style.

解析 1.第1句的后半句用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,这样句子结构更紧凑顺畅。“经常看到”可以译为we can often see...,但用被动形式can be often seen...更符合英语常用被动语态的表达习惯。
2.第2句中的“起源于三国时期,至今已有1000多年的历史”是一个并列结构,如果译成and连接的并列句则译文结构松散,表达平淡,故将后半句处理成介词短语with a history of over 1,000 years。
3.第3句中的“舞狮一般由两人表演”可逐字对译为lion dance is usually performed by two persons。但汉语呈现以动词为中心的特征,而英语呈现以名词为中心的特征,故把“表演”由动词转换成名词更佳,表达为there are usually two performers in lion dance。后半句“一人舞狮头,另一人舞狮身和狮尾”,是对前面的“两人”的补充说明,可以分译成一个独立句子,也可以处理成“逻辑主语+v.-ing”的独立主格结构。
4.第4句中的“锣鼓音乐”在翻译时应准确表达其意义“由敲打锣鼓发出的音乐”,故采用“名词+过去分词短语”作后置定语的形式,处理成music played by gongs and drums。
