Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1. describe the drawing briefly,

admin2016-05-25  31

问题     Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
    1. describe the drawing briefly,
    2. explain its intended meaning,and then
    3. give your comments.
    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


答案 As is vividly shown in the cartoon, leaving their crutches behind, two disabled people move forward together by cooperating with each other. The caption indicates that by binding their disabled leg together they can go anywhere. The scene presented in the picture touches the deepest corners of my soul. A man may complete simple tasks alone, and yet hardly achieve success in the absence of cooperation, for many intricate tasks are accomplished by teamwork. A good case in point is Tu Youyou, a famous pharmacologist in China. With the joint efforts of her and her colleagues, Tu Youyou discovered a novel therapy against malaria and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Additionally, world-famous sites, such as Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China, are the very production of cooperation. If we work separately, we are tied to our own thoughts and to the potential which is finite, thereby failing to share resources and being confined to frail minds. Furthermore, due to the constant update of science and technology, people live in a world abounding with intricate tasks calling for teamwork. In consequence, cooperation in all walks of life is considered not only the catalyst for success, but a key to the progress and prosperity of our society.

解析     这是一幅非常励志的图画。图中两位残疾青年相互扶持着大步向前,而二人的身后是他们留下的拐杖。结合图画下方的文字可以看出,这两个人决定一起“走南闯北”。图画寓意明显,旨在强调合作的重要性。人无完人,任何人都有着或多或少、或大或小的缺点或不足之处。在生活和工作中,我们需要与他人合作,相互取长补短,这样我们才能不断向前,不断进步。关于合作的名人事例非常多,考生在写作时可适当引入,采用例证法,以增强文章的说服力。
