Brownlow Hall, a Victorian mansion just outside South Dean, was totally destroyed last Sunday by a fire which started in the mea

admin2016-01-14  27

问题     Brownlow Hall, a Victorian mansion just outside South Dean, was totally destroyed last Sunday by a fire which started in the meadows beside the River Don. A fresh breeze spread the blaze up the slopes of Potter’s Hill and, before firemen could even reach the area, it had engulfed the hall, home of the Quirk-Browne family for over a hundred years.
    The present owner, Col. Edward Quirk-Browne narrowly escaped with his life.
    Taking his customary afternoon nap, he was awoken by the smell of smoke and found himself trapped in his bedroom, the staircase and most of the ground floor being already well ablaze.
    Fortunately he was able to get through to the fire brigade before the telephone lines were destroyed and, with help on the way, he scrambled up on to the roof, clutching two Holbein miniatures and his Indian Army medals, which were the only things saved out of the entire contents of the house.
    By the time the brigade arrived it was impossible to approach the building and get a ladder up to him, so the Colonel was, in fact, lifted off the roof in the nick of time before it collapsed, by an RAF helicopter from nearby Rampling Airbase.
    Col. Quirk-Browne and his wife, who fortunately was visiting friends at the time of the fire, are staying with friends at Chichester while they decide on their plans for the future. He said: " There is nothing left of the house, only a shell. It will have to be demolished. It would be far too expensive to rebuild it as it was, but it may be possible to build a more modest house on the same site. "
They had to get______to rescue him because there was no way to get a ladder up to the roof.


答案a helicopter

解析 (文章倒数第二段提到By the time the brigade arrived it was impossible to approach thebuilding and get a ladder up to him,so the Colonel was…,救火队赶到时已经无法接近他,所以用直升飞机把他救下来。)
