In a typical day,we encounter dozens—if not dozens upon dozens—of moments when we are delayed.frustrated or confused by complexi

admin2022-10-09  31

问题 In a typical day,we encounter dozens—if not dozens upon dozens—of moments when we are delayed.frustrated or confused by complexity.Our lives are filled with gadgets we can’t use,instructions we can’t follow and forms we can’t interpret.Every aspect of our lives,even entertainment and recreation,is complicated by an ever-widening array of choices delivered at a frantic pace.
  Complexity is the coward’s way out.But there is nothing simple about simplicity,and achieving it requires following three major principles:empathizing(by perceiving others’needs and expectations),simplifying(by reducing to its essence the substance of one’s offer)and clarifying(by making the offering easier to understand or use),
  Simplicity may sound like a narrow standard,but it can help companies,governments and every other sort of organization filter out unnecessary choices and clarify their messages to consumers,clients and citizens.


答案在平常的一天,我们会遇到至少数十个时刻。在这些时刻,复杂性不仅耽搁了时间,还让我们受挫折或感到困惑。生活中充满了我们不会用的小东西、我们看不懂的说明书,以及我们无法解释的表格。我们生活的每个方面,甚至连娱乐和休闲都因为不断疯狂地拓宽的一系列选择而变得复杂化。 使事情复杂化是懦夫解决问题的办法。不过要做到简单绝非易事。实现简单需要遵循以下三大原则:为对方着想(这需要你理解他人的需要和期待)、化繁为简(去粗取精,只保留产品或服务的实质),以及表达清晰(让产品或服务更容易理解或使用)。 简单化可能听起来是个不易达到的标准,但它能帮助公司、政府和各种组织剔除掉不必要的产品和服务,使消费者、客户和市民获得更清楚的信息。

