窗子开了,用不着打招呼,新的空气就会猛扑进来。 当然,随之而来的,也有风沙飞入屋中,还有,眼睛看不到的微尘,还有很难发觉的细菌,有的是出面拜访,有的是偷偷地混了进来…… 从古到今多少诗人赞美过窗子,多少歌王歌唱过窗子,多少情人的眼睛凝望过窗

admin2013-06-19  26

问题     窗子开了,用不着打招呼,新的空气就会猛扑进来。


答案 Open the window, and fresh air will break in upon your room. Of course, grains of sand will simultaneously be brought in too. So will invisible dust particles and bacteria, either openly or surreptitiously... From ancient times to the present, innumerable poets have sung their praises of the window-innumerable singers have extolled it. innumerable lovers have fixed their dreamy eyes on it... The evolution of the window is worthy of our study. Small as it is. the window has opened man’s eyes to civilization. In the days to come, its changes will become even more manifold. The window pane will, alone with the tick-tick of the clock, automatically regulate light streaming into the room and change its own colour according to interior illumination. The window frame will be filled with circulatory water to remove things harmful to the resident without his knowledge and carry to him fragrance and nutrients which he much needs but are otherwise hard for him to get. Some windows will ensure good ventilation and transparency without manual manipulation. They will keep out disturbing noises and let in sweet music. Let’s open the window! Open it not just to let in sunlight and air or to get a distant view of blue mountains, fresh green willows and swallows in flight..., but, more importantly, to usher in a new century!

解析     本段材料选自现代作家端木蕻良的《黎明的眼睛》,是一篇耐人寻味的抒情散文。文章的选材从人类最熟悉的事物入手,借窗口见人类文明之过去、现在和未来,展示了窗子和人类文明的同步发展。文章鲜活生动,文笔优美流畅,故而在翻译时,要注意体现出原文的文体风格。
1.  划线部分第一段是一句排比句,汉译英时注意英语句式的平衡对称和语气的加强。文中“赞美”、“歌唱”、  “凝望”分别译为“sing one’s praises of”、“extol”、  “fix one’s dreamy eyes on”。其中dreamy是译文的增译部分,作“出神的”解。
2.  “变化”:在文中指“演化”的意思,故翻译为“evolution”。
3.  “值得……”:可用词组“be worthy of…”翻译。
4.  第二段第二句“……是文明的眼睛”:译为“the window has opened man’s eyes to civilization”。译文采用拟人手法,更为生动形象。而“几乎可以说”是汉语的流水句,可省略不译。
5.  第三段句子较长,翻译时可采用分句法,分泽成两个句子。第一小句“窗子的玻璃会随着时钟……窗子会随着明暗变换颜色”中“会随着时钟”和“会随着明暗”是次要信息,翻译时可作状语成分。整句译为“The window pane will,alone with the tick—tick of the clock.automatically regulate light streaming into the room and change its own colour according to interior illumination.”。其中,拟声词“tick-tick”是增译部分。第二小句“窗框上装有循环水”是主干部分,  “它可以……,又可以”是次要信息,可用动词不定式作补充说明。
6.  划线部分的最后一段同样采用分句法,分泽成两个句子。第一个小句“有的窗子不需开合,便能做到通风透光”中“不需开合”译为“without manual manipulation”,取代without having to be opened or closed,以求表达上更为简洁。而“通风透光”则采用了词类转换泽法,译为名词词组“ventilation and transparency”,因为在英语表达中,更喜用名词而非动词。第二个小句“它还可以把你不愿听到的声音关到外边,但是悦耳的琴声,它是不会阻拦的……”中后半部分采用反说正译法,意即“让悦耳的琴声进来”,译为“let in sweet music”。
