洋教师说: “这文章写得当然好,而且绝妙无比,你们听——”他拿起作文念起来, “我们学校最美的地方,不是教室,不是操场,也不是校门口那个带喷水的小花坛,而是食堂。瞧,玻璃干净得几乎叫你看不到它的存在——”洋教师念到这儿,眼睛调皮地一亮,眉毛一挑, “听听,

admin2019-11-02  31

问题     洋教师说: “这文章写得当然好,而且绝妙无比,你们听——”他拿起作文念起来, “我们学校最美的地方,不是教室,不是操场,也不是校门口那个带喷水的小花坛,而是食堂。瞧,玻璃干净得几乎叫你看不到它的存在——”洋教师念到这儿,眼睛调皮地一亮,眉毛一挑, “听听,多么幽默!”
    洋教师接着念道: “如果你不小心在学校食堂跌了一跤,你会惊奇地发现你并没有跌跤,因为你身上半点尘土也没留下;如果你长期在学校食堂里工作,恐怕你会把苍蝇是什么样子都忘了……”洋教师又停住,舌头“得”地弹一声,做一个怪脸说, “听呀,还要多幽默,我简直笑得念不下去了。”


答案 He picked up the composition and began to read. "The most beautiful spot on campus is not the classroom-building, nor the sports-ground, nor the lawn with the fountain at the gate: the most beautiful spot on campus is our cafeteria. Look! The window-panes are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass in them ..." He paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of wits and his brows shooting upward. "Listen! Isn’t it humorous?" Humorous? But what was humorous about it? The students were puzzled. "If you were not careful enough." he continued, "and had a fall on the floor, you would be amazed to find that you had not fallen at all because you did not get a single particle of dust on your clothes. If you had been working in the cafeteria long enough, you would have forgotten what a fly looks like ..."

解析 这段文字节选自冯骥才的讽刺小说《西式幽默》。文章围绕某校食堂展开故事,颇具针砭时弊的功效。篇幅虽小,人物形象刻画得细致人微,故事情节声情并茂。行文畅达,收放自如,体现出浓郁的“汉语味”。翻译时,针对汉英语言的不同思维习惯应做巧妙变通,通过精妙的理解与表达有效地再现原文的肌理与精髓。
1. 地方:如用“place”太过宽泛,而“spot”指“particular place or area(地点;场所)”,更适合指明某一特定地方。
2. 眼睛调皮地一亮:实指“眼睛闪烁着智慧的光芒”,可译成“his eyes flashing with a glint of wits”。glint:gleam or flash(闪烁;闪光)。例如,glints of gold in her hair(她头发上的金光)。wit:intelligence;understanding;quickness of mind(理智;理解;机智)。例如,He hadn’t the wits enough to realize what to do in the emergency.(他没有应付紧急事件的机智。)
3. 眉毛一挑:关键是动词“挑”的英译,可译为“shoot”。shoot:move,come,go,send,suddenly or quickly(突然或迅速地动、来、去、送)。例如,They shot angry glances at us.(他们对我们投以愤怒的眼色。)/Flames were shooting up from the burning house.(火焰自燃烧着的房子冒出。)/The meteor shot across the sky.(流星快速地掠过天空。)整个短语可译为“his brows shooting upward”。
4. 大家还没弄明白: “大家”即“学生们”, “还没弄明白”即“仍感困惑”。因此,可译作“The students were puzzled.”,再现原文的简练。
5. 如果: “如果”在英语中的对应词是“if”,难点是考虑译语是否需要使用虚拟语气。原文中假设的情况,如, “你不小心在学校食堂跌了一跤”, “你长期在学校食堂里工作”,这些都是虚拟的情况。应该采用以下的句式: “If you were…and had…,you would….If you had…,you would have…”。
6. 半点尘土:作者采用了夸张的修辞手法,可译成“a single particle of dust”。particle:very small bit(极小之物;微粒)。例如,particles of dust(尘埃)/She hasn’t a particle of sense.(她一点儿意识也没有。)
