Unintended consequences can be a byproduct of sweeping change. When Henry Ford invented the automobile, the world was transforme

admin2014-10-03  59

问题 Unintended consequences can be a byproduct of sweeping change. When Henry Ford invented the automobile, the world was transformed by its speed and convenience. Few people, if any, considered what millions of automobiles might mean for the world’s energy supply and climate a century down the road. Similarly, with the proliferation of personal computer, businesses and consumers quickly realized the cost and time-saving benefits of the Internet, e-mail and high-speed broadband. Information technology transformed the information age, and global commerce, by making it dramatically easier to manage information, communication, perform research, play the shop.
Nowhere is this more evident than in US efforts to reduce energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. The days when businesses could send a product into the marketplace without first considering how it might impact the environment are over. Dell was founded with the vision that the customers could be best served through direct relationships. Twenty-three years later, the direct relationship—now a cornerstone of many global companies—can be one of our most valuable tools in collective efforts to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment.
The ever-accelerating pace of innovation also created the need for manufactures to look at—and deal with—the entire lifecycle of the technology they created. We also should make a commitment to maintain responsibility throughout a product’s entire lifecycle. This starts with design and ends when the product is no longer wanted. We should then recover it and provide updates on our progress. Global industry has been a catalyst for innovation and opportunity since the early days of the industrial revolution. More than two centuries later, the same entrepreneurial spirit and competition that led to the automobile and personal computer can bring new environmental-friendly ventures.


答案 势不可挡的变化可能带来意想不到的后果。亨利.福特发明了汽车,整个世界顿时被它的快速和便捷改变。当时很少有人考虑100年后千百万辆汽车对全球能源供应和气候来说意味着什么。同样地,随着个人电脑的普及,企业以及消费者很快便意识到互联网、电子邮件和高速宽带拥有成本低及耗时少的优点。由于极大地简化了信息管理、沟通交流、科学研究及商店经营,信息技术改变了信息时代以及全球商务。 美国在降低能源需求并减少温室气体排放方面所做的努力最能说明这一点。企业不必预先考虑一个产品可能对环境产生的影响就把它推向市场的时代已经一去不复返了。成立伊始,戴尔便坚持建立与客户的直接联系并为其提供最优质的服务。二十三年后,直接联系——如今已成为众多全球企业的基石——已称得上是我们降低能源消耗、保护环境的共同努力中最有价值的工具之一。 创新的步伐不断加快,生产商不仅需要正视并为其所创科技产品的整个生命周期负责,还需要承诺为一个产品的整个生命周期负责。此周期从产品的设计一直到人们不再需要它为止。然后,我们需要改进产品并实时更新。从工业革命早期开始,全球工业就一直是创新和机遇的催化剂。200多年后的今天,促成汽车和个人电脑发明的那种创业精神和竞争意识同样能催生新一代环保型企业。

