The average person sends and receives more than 100 texts per day. Part of what’s driving the texting surge is the popularity of

admin2018-07-10  27

问题     The average person sends and receives more than 100 texts per day. Part of what’s driving the texting surge is the popularity of social media. Sites like Twitter, with postings of no more than 140 characters, are creating and reinforcing the habit of communicating in micro-bursts. Economics has much to do with texting’s popularity. Text messages cost carriers less than traditional mobile voice transmissions, and so they cost users less.
    Texting’s rise over conversation is changing the way we interact. We are now inclined to text to relay difficult information. We avoid eye contact by staring at our phone. Texting saves us time, but it steals from quiet reflection. When people with a mobile device have even a little extra time, they’ll communicate with someone in their life.
    But the phone conversation will never be completely out It comes into play when there are multiple options to consider or important decisions to be made.


答案 普通人每天收发超过100条短信。促使短信激增的部分原因是社交媒体的流行。规定每次发帖字符数不超过140的网站,如推特,正在培养并强化人们通过简短文字进行交流的习惯。经济因素和短信的流行大有关系。对运营商而言,短信比传统的移动通话传输费用要低,因此用户花费也更少。 短信应用超过对话这一事实正改变着我们的交际方式。我们现在倾向于通过短信传递难以表达的信息。我们通过盯着手机来避免眼神接触。短信可以为我们节省时间,却会偷走我们安静思考的时间。有移动设备的人,哪怕只有一点空闲时间,他们都会把时间用于与别人联系。 但是,打电话是永远不会被完全淘汰的。当人们要考虑多种选择或者做出重大决定的时候,就要打电话了。

解析     1.首段第二句结构相对比较简单,难点在于对关键词义的把握。主语中包含一个what引导的名词性从句what’s driving the texting surge。此处的the texting surge为近处指代,即指代前句所述情况“普通人每天收发短信很多”,因此可译为“短信激增”。drive在这里如译成“驾驶”,明显不符合语义逻辑;社交媒体的流行(the popularity of social media)应该是短信激增(the texting surge)的原因,故drive应取“推动,促使”之意。“什么在促使短信激增”即“促使短信激增的原因”,再加上前面用了数量词Part of,所以该句的主语部分可译成“促使短信激增的部分原因”。
    2.第二段最后一句如采取直译,处理成“当持有移动设备的人即使有一点空闲时间,也会联系别人”,也能说得过去。但在语义顺畅性上会有所欠缺。上文讲到,短信的高频率使用在改变着我们的交际方式,使我们丧失了安静思考的时间。为了更好表达此句所传达的意思,可强调时间“even a little extra time”,其中even译作“哪怕”而不简单译作“即使,甚至”。此外,为了使译文衔接更顺畅,可增译“他们都会(把时间用于)……”,以凸显人们交际方式的极大改变。
