Home ownership has let US down. For generations, Americans believed that owning a home was an axiomatic good. Our political lead

admin2019-03-20  53

问题 Home ownership has let US down. For generations, Americans believed that owning a home was an axiomatic good. Our political leaders hammered home the point. Franklin Roosevelt held that a country of homeowners was "unconquerable. " Homeownership could even, in the words of George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), Jack Kemp, "save babies, save children, save families and save American. " A house with a front lawn and a picket fence wasn’t just a nice place to live or a risk-flee investment; it was a way to transform a nation. No wonder leaders of all political stripes wanted to spend more than $ 100 billion a year on subsidies and tax breaks to encourage people to buy.
But the dark side of homeownership is now all too apparent: foreclosures and walkaways, neighborhoods plagued by abandoned properties and plummeting home values, a nation in which families have $ 6 trillion less in housing wealth than they did just three years ago. Indeed, easy loaning stimulated by the cult of homeownership may have triggered the financial crisis and led directly to its biggest bailout, that of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Housing remains a drag on the economy. Existing home sales in July dropped 27% from the prior month, exacerbating fears of a double-tip. And all that is just the obvious tale of a housing bubble and what happened when it popped. The real story is deeper and darker still.


答案 现在成为房主的美国人反而感到被拖累。多少代美国人都认为拥有住房是一项值得夸耀的成就。国家的政治领袖也为此平添了丰富的政治寓意。富兰克林?罗斯福认为,一个人人皆为房主的国家是不可征服的。老布什政府的住房和城市发展部部长杰克?肯普甚至称,成为房主能够拯救儿童、家庭,甚至拯救国家。一套配有前院草坪和围栏篱笆的房屋,不仅是绝佳生活之地和无风险投资,购买住房还是一种引导国家变化的途径。这也就难怪所有政治人物都愿采取各式补贴和税收减免等措施,每年拿出100多亿美元来鼓励人们购房。 然而,争当房主的负面效应已经显而易见,人们耳濡目染的尽是丧失抵押房产赎回权和逃废按揭贷款债务,社区内大量充斥空房,住房价格暴跌,全国居民住房价值比3年前骤减6万亿美元的消息。由争当房主这股风气带来的宽松贷款热潮引发了此轮金融危机,直接导致政府对房利美和房地美两大贷款企业进行史无前例的挽救行动。房市至今仍拖累着经济复苏。7月份现房销售额较前一个月下跌27%,加剧了人们对经济可能会出现二次探底的恐慌。所有这些都与房市泡沫和它出现爆裂后的影响有关。然而,事件对社会造成的影响更深、更广。

