A、To show how they love winter sports. B、To attract the attention from the media. C、To protest against the poor working conditio

admin2016-12-22  21

Since a union representative visited our company to inform us about our rights and protections, my coworkers have been worrying about health conditions and complaining about safety hazards in the workplace. Several of the employees in the computer department, for example, claim to be developing vision problems from having to stare at a video display terminal for about 7 hours a day. The supervisor of the laboratory is beginning to get headaches and dizzy spells because she says it’s dangerous to breathe some of the chemical smoke there. An X-ray technician is refusing to do her .job until the firm agrees to replace its out-dated equipment. She insists that it’s exposing workers to unnecessarily high doses of radiation. She thinks that she may have to contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ask that government agency to inspect the department. I’ve heard that at a factory in the area, two pregnant women, who were working with paint, requested a transfer to a safer department, because they wanted to prevent damage to their unborn babies. The supervisor of personnel refused the request. In another firm the workers were constantly complaining about the malfunctioning heating system, but the owner was too busy or too mean to do anything about it. Finally, they all met and agreed to wear ski-clothing to work the next day. The owner was too embarrassed to talk to his employees. But he had the heating system replaced right away.
22. What does the talk focus on?
23. What did an X-ray technician ask her company to do?
24. What does the speaker say about the two pregnant women working with paint?
25. Why did the workers in the firm wear ski-clothing to work?

选项 A、To show how they love winter sports.
B、To attract the attention from the media.
C、To protest against the poor working conditions.
D、To protect themselves against the cold weather.


解析 短文提到工人们不断向老板反映暖气出了故障却没有收到效果,所以“就开会决定第二天一起都穿滑雪服上班”。这表明,“穿滑雪服”是工人们向老板表示抗议的一种方式,故选C。预读选项可知,四个选项均为不定式,本题可能问某个目的或动作。A“表明他们有多爱冬季运动”、B“吸引媒体的关注”和D“躲避寒冷的天气”均与录音提到的目的不符。
