中国推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体系,促进生产要素有序流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合。 中国积极吸引外国机构和个人来华投资兴业,外商直接投资规模从1992年起连续26年居发展中国家首位。加入世贸组织后,外商直接投资规模从2001年的

admin2021-08-19  54

问题     中国推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体系,促进生产要素有序流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合。
    中国积极吸引外国机构和个人来华投资兴业,外商直接投资规模从1992年起连续26年居发展中国家首位。加入世贸组织后,外商直接投资规模从2001年的468. 8亿美元增加到2017年的1363. 2亿美元,年均增长6. 9%。外商投资企业在提升中国经济增长质量和效益的同时,分享中国经济发展红利。中国美国商会《2018中国商务环境调查报告》显示,约60%的受访企业将中国列为全球三大投资目的地之一,74%的会员企业计划于2018年扩大在华投资,这一比例为近年来最高,其中1/3的受访企业计划增加在华投资10%以上。中国欧盟商会《商业信心调查2018》报告显示,超过一半的会员企业计划扩大在华运营规模。2017年全国新设立外商投资企业35652家,同比增长27. 8%。


答案 China has been promoting the establishment of a fair, equitable and transparent system of international trade and investment rules to boost the orderly flow of production factors, efficient resources allocation and full market integration. China has proactively attracted foreign institutions and individuals to invest and develop in China. Since 1992, China has consistently topped the list of FDI recipients among developing countries for 26 years consecutively. After China’s accession to the WTO, its FDI increased from $46. 88 billion in 2001 to $136. 32 billion in 2017, up by an annual average of 6. 9 percent. FIEs have shared the benefits of China’s economic development, while helping improve the quality and performance of China’s economy. According to the "2018 China Business Climate Survey Report" by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China), nearly 60 percent of the interviewed enterprises ranked China as a top three investment priority; some 74 percent of the AmCham China member enterprises plan to expand their investments in China in 2018, the highest in recent years, and one third of the interviewed enterprises plan to increase their investments in China by over 10 percent. According to the "Business Confidence Survey 2018" by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, more than half of its member enterprises plan to expand their presence in China. In 2017, newly founded FIEs in China reached 35,652, registering an increase of 27. 8 percent. China’s outward investment cooperation has developed in a sustained, sound, and orderly way. In terms of annual flow of outward direct investment (ODD, China’s world ranking rose from the 26th place after its accession to the WTO to the third in 2017. China’s outward investment cooperation has accelerated technological progress in the host countries, advanced their economic development, improved their people’s well-being and created many jobs. The world is undergoing a new round of major development, great change and profound readjustment. The mankind still faces growing uncertainties and destabilizing factors. Surging tides of anti-globalization in recent years, coupled with rising protectionism and unilateralism, have posed severe challenges to the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core. Economic globalization has powered global growth and is an irreversible trend of our times. China and the multilateral trading system stand together through thick and thin. China will continue to fulfill its commitments, comply with rules, actively participate in the improvement of the multilateral trading system, and give firm support to the WTO in playing a greater role in global economic governance.

解析     首先,中国做出的这些努力是中国加入世贸组织以来一直在践行的,故翻译时使用现在完成进行时,体现出这种持续性的同时,表现中国在未来将继续如此的含义。“推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体系”这部分是“促进生产要素有序流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合”的根基和保证,同时后者也是前者的目的,因此使用不定式结构体现两者间的联系。“深度融合”强调了融合的彻底性,形容词full表示“最大程度的,充分的,完全的”,比deep用在这里更合适。
    “大发展大变革大调整”中三个名词前的修饰成分皆为“大”,翻译时应根据三个名词的含义以及常用搭配选择相应的形容词,“大发展”指“重大发展”,译为major development;“大变革”指“巨大变革”,译为great change;而“大调整”强调调整的意义重大,译为profound readjustment。此外,逗号前后部分的主语不同,翻译时将其拆分为两句,层次更清晰。
