A、The Future of Sugar Industry in Central America B、Unemployment in Latin America C、Reforms in Sugar Industry in North America D

admin2006-01-14  38

In early September, Trinidad’s state-owned sugar company made all of its 9,200 employees redundant. Though most are Indo-Trinidadians and supporters of the island’s truculent opposition party, there were no protests. The workers got redundancy pay totaling 115 million dollars, the offer of retraining, and the chance to continue growing cane as independent farmers in plots on the company’s 31,000 hectares of farmland.
    Trinidad, booming on oil and gas, has plenty of new jobs. Jamaica’s stagnant economy is another story. The government privatized its sugar factories in 1994, but agreed to take them back four years later. Hit by floods and droughts, this year’s sugar crop was a disaster. A shutdown might be greeted with riots by the 7,000 sugar workers and 8,000 cane farmers of the country. Barbados, prosperous and stable, has a different problem. Its neat cane fields are far more attractive to tourists than the eroded scrubland of Antigua, which stopped growing sugar 30 years ago.

选项 A、The Future of Sugar Industry in Central America
B、Unemployment in Latin America
C、Reforms in Sugar Industry in North America
D、The Impact of the Declining Sugar Industry


解析 给文章定合适的标题,需要选项中关键词恰当概括原文。选项a中,future的内容,本文没有涉及;选项b中unemployment的内容只在原文谈到Trinidad和Jamaica这两个国家的情况时有所涉及,因此并不能概括全文;选项c中reform的内容也不能概括Trinidad的情况;而选项d的impact和declining则全面概括厂全文。该篇文章分别介绍了制糖业衰退给几个国家带来的各种影响。因此,选项d是正确的。
