Immigration stirs up strong enough fears to justify questionable measures of protection against it— from arrests at the doors of

admin2017-11-14  24

问题     Immigration stirs up strong enough fears to justify questionable measures of protection against it— from arrests at the doors of French schools to the border wall that separates the USA from Mexico.
    Economic research suggests that the intensity of these reactions seems completely disproportionate to immigration’s real economic impact on the local population. David Card has shown that even massive waves of immigration don’t result in lower salaries or fewer jobs for local people in the US. In a recent survey article, he concluded that the " new immigration" assimilates just as well as previous waves had, and that the wages and employment prospects of natives are not any lower in cities that received more migrants. Furthermore, Patricia Cortes also showed that an increase in the number of immigrants causes a price-drop in the sectors where they’re concentrated.


答案 移民引起的巨大恐惧足以成为一些有争议的保护措施的合理理由,从法语学校门口的拘捕事件到分隔美国和墨西哥的边界墙。 经济学研究表明,这些反应的激烈程度似乎和移民对当地居民实际的经济影响完全不成比例。David Card已经指出,甚至大规模的移民潮都不会导致美国本地居民降低收入或减少工作岗位。在近期一项调查的文章中,他得出这样的结论:“新移民”可以和老移民一样好地融入进来,并且在那些吸收更多移民的城市,本地人的工资和就业前景没有任何下降。此外,Patricia Cortes也表明,移民数量的增加会导致他们集中所在领域里的价格下降。

