在英文中,“中国”与“瓷器”是一个词,这说明,很早的时期欧洲人就把中国与瓷器联系在一起的了。瓷器 15 世纪时就传入欧洲,在中外交流中占有重要位置。德国卡塞尔郎德(Keisel Randy)博物馆至今还藏有一件中国明代青瓷(blue-and-white)碗

admin2014-04-25  8

问题 在英文中,“中国”与“瓷器”是一个词,这说明,很早的时期欧洲人就把中国与瓷器联系在一起的了。瓷器 15 世纪时就传入欧洲,在中外交流中占有重要位置。德国卡塞尔郎德(Keisel Randy)博物馆至今还藏有一件中国明代青瓷(blue-and-white)碗。历史上,中国和亚洲的其他国家以及欧洲国家的瓷器交易极为频繁,而且数量巨大。据今人研究,在1602-1682年间,仅荷兰东印度公司(the Dutch East India Company)从中国贩运到欧洲的瓷器就有一千六百多万件。瓷器以其优雅精致的品质,为中国赢得了好名声。


答案In English, china has the same meaning as porcelain. This proves that Europeans have long known of China’s relation to porcelain. Porcelain found its way to Europe in the 15th century, occupying an important position in the exchanges between China and other countries. The Keisel Randy Museum in Germany houses a blue-and-white bowl dating back to the Ming Dynasty. Throughout history, China, along with other Asian countries, and Europe maintained a busy and vast trade in porcelain. From 1602 to 1682, the Dutch East India Company alone transported more than 16 million articles of porcelain from China to Europe. Porcelain earned a good reputation for China for its sophistication and elegance.

