
admin2010-07-06  20

If you ask someone, they’ll say that the bank is where you can cash a cheque. But it’s more than that and we have to tell people that in our advertisements. There are several things to think a- bout. When do you start? I mean at what age. That is the first problem. I think you must start very young. So we said, "Let’s introduce the name of the bank to children and they will never forget it." The next question is this: How do you attract the different age groups? My partner said," Why don’t we use a gimmick for each age group? Give them something for nothing—money boxes for young children, T-shirts for teenagers, gold pens for young executives. "That always works. But what do you give to your best customers? That’s another question. What about leather diaries, for example?
     Banks are very competitive. How do you think of something new? That’s always a problem. We were one of the first banks to have drive-in banks and to open on Saturdays, but now many banks do. Of course, most banks now offer insurance and travel services, and all the usually standing order and direct debit services. The other thing about advertising is "where". Where do you put the adson television, of course, but which journals and newspapers? And when and how often? These are questions you have to ask yourself.



