
admin2016-12-27  40

问题     互生最叫我们纪念的是他做人的态度。他本来是一副铜筋铁骨,黑皮肤衬着那一套大布之衣,看去像个乡下人。他什么苦都吃得,从不晓得享用,也像乡下人。他心里那一团火,也像乡下人。那一团火是热,是力,是光。他不爱多说话,但常常微笑;那微笑是自然的、温暖的。在他看,人是可以互相爱着的,除了一些成见已深、不愿打开窗户说亮话的。他对这些人却有些憎恶,不肯假借一点颜色。世界上只有能憎的人才能爱;爱憎没有定见,只是毫无作为的脚色。互生觉得青年成见还少,希望最多;所以愿意将自己的生命一滴不剩而献给他们,让爱的宗教在他们中间发荣滋长,让他们都走向新世界去。互生不好发议论,只埋着头干干干,是儒家的真正精神。我和他并没有深谈过,但从他的行事看来,相信我是认识他的。(朱自清《哀互生》)


答案What was most memorable about Husheng was his attitude toward life. He was as strong as a man of steel, and his dark complexion set off by clothes of coarse cloth, looking like someone from the countryside. He could withstand any hardship and never sought ease and comfort. In this respect he was like a countryman, too. Again like a countryman, he had a heart as warm as fire radiating warmth, power and light. He was a man of few words, but of all smiles; his smile was natural and friendly. In his view, people could love each other, except those with deep prejudices and those who could not bring themselves out in the open. He hated these people, and to them he wouldn’t show anything like gentleness. In this world, only those who could hate could love. Those who did not know what to love and what to hate were useless people. Husheng thought that young people had little prejudice but lots of future promise , so he was willing to devote his life to them without reservation , letting the religion of love grow and flourish among them so that they could all go to a new world. Husheng was not fond of talking too much, instead, he put his mind on work, and work, and nothing but work—an embodiment of the Confucian spirit. Though I never had a chance to talk with him very closely, I was convinced that I understood him from the way he carried himself and conducted matters.(Zhu Ziqing Mourning for Husheng)

