Crime has its own cycles, a magazine re- ported some years before. Police records that 【M1】 ______ were studied

admin2010-02-20  31

问题    Crime has its own cycles, a magazine re-
ported some years before. Police records that                 【M1】 ______
were studied for five years over 2,400 cities
and towns show a surprised link between                       【M2】 ______
changes in the season and crime patterns.
   The pattern of crime has varied very little
over a long period of years. Murder reaches its
high during July and August, as does rape and                 【M3】 ______
other violent attacks.  Murder, however, is                   【M4】 ______
more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It
is also a hightime crime :62 percent of mur-
ders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6
   Unlike the summer high in crimes of bod-
ily harm, burglary has a different cycle. You
are most likely to being robbed between 6                     【M5】 ______
p.m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in De-
cember, January, or February. The most un-
criminal month of all?
   May--except for one strange statistic,
more dog bites are reported in this month than
an other month of the year.                                  【M6】 ______
   Apparent our intellectual seasonal cycles                 【M7】 ______
are completely  different from  our criminal
tendencies.  Professor  Huntington,  of  the
Foundation for the Study of Cycles, made ex-
tensive studies to discover the seasons when
people read serious books, attend scientific
meetings, make the highest scores on exami-
nations, and to propose the most changes to                  【M8】 ______
patents. In all instances, he found a spring
peak and an autumn peak separated by a sum-
mer low. On other hand, Professor Hunting-                   【M9】 ______
ton’s studies indicated that June is the peak
month for suicides and admissions in mental                  【M10】______
hospitals. June is also a peak month for mar-



解析 从上下文的逻辑看,这一句是对谋杀犯罪的进一步阐述,因此应该用表示递进关系的连词。
