
admin2019-04-11  56

问题     近些年来,中国与印度经济均实现了迅猛增长。全球金融危机过后,德国经济去年萎缩了约5%,印度和中国经济却分别增长了8%左右。全球当前的复苏主要由新兴国家拉动——尤其是印度和中国。“金砖四国”将成为全球经济的增长动力。像德国这样的国家,将从这一趋势中获益。目前德国是中国在欧洲最大的贸易伙伴国,而中国是德国在亚洲最重要的出口市场。对德国生产的绿色、创新产品的需求正不断上升。中国和印度企业也开始在德国投资,他们看重德国的技术和掌握熟练技能的工人。德国应当把中国和印度这一龙一虎当作吉祥物欢迎。他们的繁荣将确保德国的繁荣。


答案In the last few years, China and India have experienced dramatic economic growth. While Germany’s economic performance declined by around 5 percent last year in the wake of the global financial crisis, the Indian and Chinese economies posted gains of roughly 8 percent. In addition, the recovery now under way worldwide is being driven primarily by emerging countries—above all, by India and China. BRIC countries(Brazil, Russia, India and China)will be growth drivers of the world economy in the next few years. Countries like Germany will benefit from this trend. Today, Germany is by far China’s largest trading partner in Europe, while China is Germany’s most important export market in Asia. The demand for green, innovative products made in Germany is increasing. Chinese and Indian companies are investing in Germany as well because they appreciate German know-how and our skilled workforce. Germany should welcome the Tiger and the Dragon as talismans. Their boom will secure Germany’s prosperity, too.

