
admin2020-02-10  25

问题     我从小喜欢阅读大人物的传记和回忆录,慢慢归纳出一个公式:凡是大人物都是受苦受难的,他们的生命几乎就是“人生不如意事十常八九”的真实证言,但他们在面对苦难时也都能保持正向的思考,能“常想一二”,最后他们超越苦难,苦难便化成生命中最肥沃的养料。使我深受感动的不是他们的苦难,因为苦难到处都有,使我感动的是:他们面对苦难时的坚持、乐观与勇气。原来如意或不如意,并不是决定于人生的际遇,而是取决于思想的瞬间。


答案 I have been keen on reading biographies or memories of the great since childhood and found a kind of rule about their lives: all great people suffer. They mostly testify to the saying that life means frustration eight or nine times out of ten. Despite their sufferings, however, they can always maintain a positive way of thinking, or in other words, they can "dwell on one or two", until they finally transcend their sufferings and turn them into great inspiration for life. What deeply moves me about great people is not their sufferings, for sufferings are common and omnipresent; it is their perseverance, optimism and courage in the face of suffering that move me most. So success or failure in life does not hinge on mere opportunities, but upon one’s frame of mind.

解析 背景介绍
-  但他们在面对苦难时也都能保持正向的思考,能“常想一二”:此处“正向的思考”是指一种积极的思维模式,即“positive mentality/positive way of thinking”;“常想一二”不仅指“常常去想”,还有“着重考虑”之意,而dwell on的意思是spend time on;linger over;brood,or speak at length on,能够比较全面地表达“常想一二”的含义。译文为Despite their sufferings,however, they can always maintain a positive way of thinking,or in other words,they can“dwell on one or two”.
-  最后他们超越苦难,苦难便化成生命中最肥沃的养料:  “最肥沃的养料”指的是经历苦难后得到的精神上的升华,激发了更多有关生命的灵感。这句译为“until they finally transcend their sufferings and turn them into great inspiration for life”。
-  使我深受感动的不是他们的苦难,因为苦难到处都有,使我感动的是:他们面对苦难时的坚持、乐观与勇气:  “到处都有”即随处可见,无所不在,可译为common and omnipresent,简洁精炼;坚持、乐观与勇气三种品格可用perseverance,optimism and courage三个名词来表示。此句译为:What deeply moves me about great people is not their sufferings,for sufferings are common and omnipresent;it is their perseverance,optimism and courage in the face of suffering that move me most.
-  原来如意或不如意,并不是决定于人生的际遇:这里的“如意”联系上下文可知是指生活中的成功与失败。翻译时,应将词汇放人具体语境中加以分析,从而达到全局上的忠实原文与具体问题上的灵活变通相结合。译文为:So Success or failure in life does not hinge on mere opportunities.
-  而是取决于思想的瞬间:  “思想的瞬间”是指我们遇到苦难时的心境,是积极面对,还是消极避世。翻译时,应将其具体意义表达出来,有利于读者更好地理解文章内容。译文为“but upon one’s flame of mind”。
