A、Next Thursday. B、Next Tuesday. C、This weekend. D、Tomorrow night. B原文再现。对话开始就有问有答,直接对应19题和选项B)。

admin2013-06-17  33

M: Susan, do you know when Professor Jones’ Biology Final is?
W: Next Tuesday.
M: Next Tuesday! That’s less than a week away, and I have got things planned for this weekend.
W: Haven’t you been studying all along?
M: I have kept up with my lecture notes, but I haven’t reviewed at all.
W: Then it’s your own fault. The date of the final is clearly marked on the course outline.
M: I suppose you are right, but doesn’t it seem awfully early for a final?
W: A little, but it should actually help us out. After we have finished with it, we can concentrate on our other finals.
M: Are you ready for it?
W: I think I am. I’m going to review some more of course.
M: Do you think we could study together sometimes this week?
W: I don’t see why not. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?
M: I can’t tomorrow. I am going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.
W: Well, how about the following night?
M: No, I can’t Saturday either.  My sister and her husband are coming to town and I want to show them around.
W: Sunday, then?
M: Well, I’ll probably sleep all morning and in the after- noon I want to go to the football game. Also that night I have to write and type up a paper for another class.
W: Michael, that leaves Monday, the night before the test.
M: Actually, I’ve got plans for Monday night too.  How about Early Tuesday morning?
W: Michael, the test is on Tuesday morning.

选项 A、Next Thursday.
B、Next Tuesday.
C、This weekend.
D、Tomorrow night.


解析 原文再现。对话开始就有问有答,直接对应19题和选项B)。
