[A]Not giving bonus to employees who deserve it [B]Not giving positive information [C]Not linking individual jobs to the big pic

admin2014-10-24  28

问题 [A]Not giving bonus to employees who deserve it
[B]Not giving positive information
[C]Not linking individual jobs to the big picture
[D]Not recognizing and rewarding great performance
[E]Failure to get employees obsessive about winning
[F]Not giving feedback
[G]Failure to give a clear vision of winning
    Over the years, Gallup has surveyed millions of employees and customers on a variety of workplace issues. One very interesting fact emerges from all their research. Of all the employees Gallup has surveyed, just over half have a clear understanding of what’s expected of them when they show up to work every day.
    And we wonder why excellence is such a rare commodity in the corporate world! As leaders, the things we don’t do or say often have more of an impact than those that we do. So I took my own informal poll and came up with the top five things managers don’t do that undermine excellence in organizations.
    Nothing is more important to creating a culture of excellence than defining what winning looks like for your organization, for teams and for individuals. Having a clear definition of winning provides focus and clarity at every level. It gets everyone aligned and moving in the same direction. It motivates and inspires people to perform at their best. And when unexpected adversity occurs, it gives people an anchor to rally around and keep their energy and spirits high.
    It’s not enough just todefine winning. To keep employees focused on winning, you have to infuse it into your employees’ minds! Otherwise, people get so distracted by everything they have on their plates that they lose sight of the big picture.
    Today’s employees want feedback, and lots of it! Without it, people don’t know where they stand in regards to performance expectations. More important, when you don’t tell employees how they’re doing, it sends the message that you don’t care. Without feedback, people make up information to fill the void. This made-up information is almost always negative. Giving regular feedback helps to prevent destructive " information gaps," and strengthens relationships between employees and their supervisors. It also leads to improved work quality, increased accountability, and a higher-performing work environment.
    Most employees want to feel like they’re doing more than just earning a paycheck. Start by making sure every individual job actually supports getting to your destination. Then let people know— specifically—how their jobs contribute to winning and why it’s so important for them to perform at a high level. This makes it easier to set priorities, make decisions that support reaching your destination, and eliminate activities that get in the way of achieving the goal.
    As leaders, we all know we need to acknowledge and reward employees for top performance. And I’m not talking about an automatic 1% bonus at the end of the year. I’m talking about small, ongoing, personalized rewards that show employees you really appreciate the effort they put in.
    Nothing lets the air out of the excellence balloon quicker than a perceived attitude of indifference on the part of management. And nothing shouts "indifference" louder than failing to perform your job as a leader. Put these five tasks on your daily to-do list and watch your employees’ performance soar! Don’t do them and don’t be surprised by a lack of excellence in your organization.



解析 第五段的意思也非常明确。第一句话就提到Today’s employees want feedback,and lots ofit!员工非常需要领导的反馈,而且是大量的反馈。没有反馈,人们就不知道自己的工作表现到底如何。更重要的是,如果员工付出了努力,但是却得不到任何反馈的话,员工会认为领导对自己的工作毫不关心,这个时候人们就容易胡思乱想,给自己负面的暗示。因此,给予及时的工作表现反馈是领导必须要做的一件事情。但是这里我们要注意的是,这一段只提到要给予反馈,到底是积极的、表扬性的反馈,还是消极的、批评性的反馈,作者并没有加以区分。因此,这一段对应的小标题应该是[F]Not giving feedback,而不是[B]Not giving positive information。
