Language varieties correspond to geographical variation, giving rise to different geographical dialects. It should be noted that

admin2019-03-20  65

问题     Language varieties correspond to geographical variation, giving rise to different geographical dialects. It should be noted that demarcation lines between regional varieties are drawn not always on linguistic grounds but often in the light of political or cultural considerations (e. g. the situation of Dutch vis-a-vis German, where a geographical boundary based on linguistic considerations alone would be difficult to determine) . Another misconception surrounding geographical variation is that a given variety has the same status throughout the area where it is spoken (e. g. the notion that only one variety of English is used in, say southern England). The dynamics of geographical variation are too complex to pigeonhole neatly; the notion of a "continuum" with inevitable overlaps may be necessary for a better understanding not only of geographical variation but of other types of dialect as well.
    An awareness of geographical variation, and of the ideological and political implications that it may have, is therefore essential for translators and interpreters. Accent, for example, is one of the more recognizable features of geographical variation and is often a source of problems. We recall the controversy in Scotland a few years ago over the use of Scottish accents in representing the speech of Russian peasants in TV dramatization of a foreign play. The inference was allowed that a Scottish accent might somehow be associated with low status, something which, no doubt, was not intended.
    The difficulty of achieving dialectal equivalence in translation will be apparent to anyone who has translated for the stage. Rendering source-text dialect by target-language standard has the disadvantage of losing the special effect intended in the source text, while rendering dialect by dialect runs the risk of creating unintended effects. At a more general level, sensitivity to the various accents and lexicon-grammatical features of different geographical dialects is the hallmark of the competent interpreter at international conferences. (306 words)


答案 语言随地理变异产生变体,地域方言应运而生。值得注意的是,不同区域的分界线并不总是根据语言来划定,很多时候是由政治或文化因素决定(比如说,倘若单从语言角度来看,荷兰语和德语之间的区别很小)。另一围绕地理变异的误解是,一种特定的语言变体在使用地享有同等的地位(比如有人认为英格兰南部只会使用一种英语变体)。地理变异的动态变化极为复杂,很难进行清楚的界定;要更好理解地理变异而产生的地域方言以及其他类型方言,就必须了解“连续性”的概念,及不可避免的重叠性。 因此,笔译员和口译员都要对地理变异及其意识形态和政治意涵有一定的了解。比如说,口音是地理变异较为明显的一个产物,时常会成为翻译的难题。几年前,在外国戏剧改编的电视剧中,俄罗斯农民操着一口苏格兰方言,这在苏格兰引起巨大争议。我们可以推测,苏格兰方言或许象征着社会地位低下,当然上述做法肯定是无心为之的。 在翻译中做到方言平等并非易事,有过舞台剧翻译经历的译员肯定对此深有感触。将源文本的方言译为标准目标语有一大弊端,就是失去源语言想要营造的特殊效果,而用方言译方言则有可能产生非预期的效果。一般来说,对于不同地域方言的口音和词汇语法特点的高度敏感,是国际会议中的合格译员所必备的能力。

解析     本文选自巴兹尔.哈蒂姆(Basil Hatim)和伊思.梅森(Ian Mason)所著的《语篇与译者》(Discourse and the Translator)一书。这本书探讨了翻译中存在的问题,既承袭翻译研究的已有成果,又对翻译研究的领域有所开拓和创新。选段部分主要介绍了语言变体与地域之间的关系,阐述了方言对翻译产生的特殊要求,由于涉及社会语言学、话语研究、语用学和符号学等研究成果,具有较高的专业性和技术性,需要考生在平时的语言学和翻译理论学习中多加注意。
