A、Low-alcohol beer. B、Fruit or dessert. C、Alcoholic drinks. D、Flowers. B原文中,男士告诉女士去朋友家做客时,如果她和主人都喝酒,带瓶酒最好不过了,如果不喝酒,则可以带些水果或点心。因此

admin2022-09-10  32

W: Hey, Mark, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
M: No problem. I’ve got time.
W: Great! Well, I’m going to Seattle for half a year. I’m attending a course at a university and I’ll be doing some research as well.
M: Sounds like fun!
W: Yes. But I’m really worried that I don’t understand American culture well enough.
M: Ah, I see! Actually, we have a great word in English that describes making a cultural mistake. It’s called a "faux pas", and it’s actually originally a French term.
W: So I should say I want to avoid any cultural "faux pas"?
M: That’s correct. You know, actually you shouldn’t worry too much. America is a pretty relaxed country, but there are a couple of things you should be aware of.
W: Oh? How about when I visit a friend’s home? What should I bring?
M: If you and your host drink alcohol, it’s always nice to bring a bottle of wine. If wine is a problem, you could try fruit or some kind of dessert.
W: But should it be an expensive gift?
M: No, the price is not so important. Just bring something to show you care about your hosts and are grateful for their invitation.
W: If I’m using public transport, should I give up my seat if I see elderly people?
M: Yes. I think that’s proper behavior pretty much everywhere in the world. Give up your seat to pregnant women, senior citizens and people with small children.
W: Wow, that’s good to know. Ms And of course, spitting is always a no-no.
W: Yeah. I agree with that one. It’s disgusting when someone coughs and spits in public. In movies it seems like all Westerners wear their shoes indoors. Is this true?
M: Many people in America do wear their shoes in the house. You should wipe off your shoes on the doormat (门垫) before you go inside.
W: My boss told me that it’s a super big faux pas to be late in Japan. Is that true in America as well?
M: Yes, but we are a little more flexible. If you arrive within five minutes of a meeting time, it might be OK. But it’s always best to be on time or be early.
W: When I was in London last year, I was eating with my Chinese friend. She whistled (吹口哨) for a waiter to come over, and when the man came over, he looked so angry!
M: Oh, yes, that’s a major faux pas. Never snap your fingers or whistle at any kind of service personnel (服务人员). It’s considered very impolite.
W: Mark, I can’t thank you enough for your tips! I really appreciate it!
M: Sure. Let’s chat again before you leave.
6. What is the woman going to Seattle for?
7. What does the man say about America?
8. According to the man, what is a perfect present for someone who doesn’t drink?
9. What do we know about most American people?
10. Which is NOT mentioned as a faux pas in America?

选项 A、Low-alcohol beer.
B、Fruit or dessert.
C、Alcoholic drinks.


解析 原文中,男士告诉女士去朋友家做客时,如果她和主人都喝酒,带瓶酒最好不过了,如果不喝酒,则可以带些水果或点心。因此答案为B。
