It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this meeting on such an important issue as science, information and society.

admin2006-11-10  45

问题     It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this meeting on such an important issue as science, information and society.
    Today, science and information are opening up new horizons for human development. They do so through the exchange of scientific knowledge, the expansion of education and training, and the promotion of creativity and intercultural dialogue.
    Our organization is required therefore to help enlarge the spread of science and information through better education.
    Yet science education does not take place only in universities and institutions of higher education. An early start must be made if we are to increase the numbers of students who are interested in pursuing a scientific career.
    The uneven distribution of science and information between the industrialized and developing countries also raises concerns. According to a UN Report, industrialized countries, with only 15% of the world’s population, are home to 88% of all Internet users. Less than 1% of people in South Asia are online, even though it is home to one-fifth of the world’s population, The situation is even worse in Africa. There are only one million Internet users on the entire continent whereas in the UK alone there are 10.5 million. In other words, capacity-building is vital for the developing world if they are to become knowledge societies.
    These are some of the key issues that I hope you will discuss during the upcoming meeting. In particular, I am keen to hear your views on how this meeting can make a difference and, indeed, how science and information can make a difference in building knowledge societies.
    Thank you.  


答案 欢迎各位出席这次关于科学、信息与社会这一重要问题的会议。 今天,科学和信息为人类发展开辟了新的前景。科学和信息可以促进科学知识的交流,扩大教育和培训的规模,促进创新和不同文化之间的对话。 因此,本组织有必要通过改善教育状况来扩大科学和信息的覆盖范围。 然而,科学教育不应该仅仅局限在高等院校中。我们必须从儿童抓起,才能使越来越多的学生愿意从事科学工作。 工业化国家(发达国家)和发展中国家之间科学与信息分配不均衡的问题也值得关注。联合国的一份报告指出,全球上网人数的88%集中在发达国家,虽然这些国家的人口只占世界人口总数的15%。尽管南亚地区的人口占世界总人口的五分之一,但其中只有不到1%的人使用英特网。 非洲的情况更为糟糕,整个非洲大陆使用英特网的人数只有一百万,而在英国一个国家,上网的人数就多达一千零五十万。换言之,如果发展中国家要建设知识社会,就必须加强自身的能力建设。 我希望在即将召开的会议上,你们能讨论上述这些重要问题。我特别希望了解的是,你们认为科学和信息对于建设知识社会能起什么作用,以及本次会议在这方面能发挥什么作用。 谢谢大家。

