Your friend posted you some study materials which you are in great need of Write a letter with no less than 100 words to express

admin2010-02-22  41

问题     Your friend posted you some study materials which you are in great need of Write a letter with no less than 100 words to express your thanks and tell him the fortunate results. Write it neatly and do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.


答案Dear David, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to the parcel of three English books and a sot of tapes which you posted me last week. In fact, for several times, I have tried to search for these books at our local books

解析     这是一封感谢信。各部分写作方法如下:1)首段:表明写作目的,表示诚挚感谢,注意语气要真诚、友好;2)主体:高度评价对方所给予的帮助,列举原因,表示感受和心情;3)尾段:再次表示谢意,希望今后可以继续相互帮助。
