
admin2019-04-11  45

问题     韶关市地处粤北山区,与湖南、江西交界,素有“三省通衢”之誉,是古代岭南通往中原的最重要关口,今天更是广东通往内地的交通枢纽——京广铁路、京珠高速公路、国道105线、106线、107线、323线、在建的武广铁路、规划中的韶赣铁路、广乐高速公路和韶赣高速公路均经过韶关。韶关还拥有丰富的土地、矿产、动植物、旅游和水资源。这些都为韶关的协调和可持续发展奠定了坚实的物质基础。


答案 Shaoguan City is located in the mountainous area in north of Guangdong Province. Bordering Hunan and Jiangxi Province, it is noted as " the thoroughfare of three provinces". Once the most important pass leading Lingnan(the South of the five Ridges region) to the Central Plains in ancient times, Shaoguan is nowadays the transportation center of Guangdong crossing to the central plains, railways and expressways running through Shaoguan including Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, National Highway 105, 106, 107 and 323, Wuhan-Guangzhou Railway under construction, Ganzhou-Shaozhou Railway under planning, Guangzhou-Lechang Highway and Sha-ozhou-Ganzhou Highway. Besides, Shaoguan is abundant in resources of land, minerals, animals and plants, tourism and water. All these lie a solid material foundation for the coordinated and sustainable development of Shaoguan City. Since the implementation of reform and opening up, tremendous changes have taken place in both urban and rural area aspects of Shaoguan. With industrial upgrading and restructuring in the Pearl River Delta Region, more and more enterprisers have paid their attention to Shaoguan, an ideal location with significant advantages and prospects for development.

