"Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China" is etched into the glossy black of every iPhone. The designer is mourned an

admin2014-09-09  33

问题     "Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China" is etched into the glossy black of every iPhone. The designer is mourned and deified the world over, but the assemblers are huddled in anonymity. Indeed, the story of Apple’s rise over the last decade is as much America’s story as it is China’s. If Steve Jobs was the general who led the battle for global digital technology supremacy, then it took hundreds of thousands of his troops in factory overalls to realize his vision with precision and consistency. That the foot soldiers of Apple’s meteoric ascendancy are Chinese has received nary a mention in the flood of biographies on the late industry titan.
    But kneading innovation in the abstract in Silicon Valley was realized as tangible devices in city-sized factory in Shenzhen, China. Commercialization of the sophisticated products, while successively lowering prices, would have been impossible without China’ s essential role. The Chinese factory worker’ s role in the Apple story should not obscure Steve Jobs monumental achievements as an innovator. Nor should those workers’ roles be marginalized in the breathless paeans to Jobs’s almost-mythical legend. As a matter of fact—many of the stories that germinate in Silicon Valley usually find their denouement in Shenzhen or nearby factory towns.


答案 每一台iPhone光亮的黑色外壳上都刻着“加州苹果设计、中国组装”的字样。全世界所哀悼的那位设计师被奉若神明,而大量组装工人却默默无闻。事实上,苹果在过去十年崛起的传奇故事,既是美国的传奇,也是中国的传奇。如果说史蒂夫.乔布斯是领导全球数字技术争霸战的将军,那么是数十万身穿工作服的工人大军才准确而不懈地实现了他的梦想。帮助苹果飞速崛起的“步兵”是中国工人,而大量关于这位已故产业巨头的传记对他们却只字未提。 然而,硅谷抽象的创新理念要依靠中国深圳的一家有着城市规模的工厂来实现。如果没有中国在其中起着关键作用,这些尖端产品就不可能商品化且不断地降低售价。中国工厂员工在苹果传奇中扮演的角色,不会抹杀史蒂夫.乔布斯作为一名创新者所取得的重大成就。但是为乔布斯神话而唱的赞歌也不应忽视中国工人所起的作用——许多传奇在硅谷生根发芽,却在深圳或其附近的工业城开花结果。

