宋徽宗,名赵佶,北宋第八位皇帝,是宋朝最著名的皇帝之一。他不是一个称职的皇帝,却是一位杰出的书画家。宋徽宗身在宫苑,有条件接近当时的一流名家。他的花鸟画(flower-bird painting)主要受吴元瑜的影响;在书法方面,他最初是向黄庭坚学习,后

admin2021-05-28  26

问题   宋徽宗,名赵佶,北宋第八位皇帝,是宋朝最著名的皇帝之一。他不是一个称职的皇帝,却是一位杰出的书画家。宋徽宗身在宫苑,有条件接近当时的一流名家。他的花鸟画(flower-bird painting)主要受吴元瑜的影响;在书法方面,他最初是向黄庭坚学习,后来自成一家,创造了“瘦金体”(Slender Gold)。宋徽宗在不断提高自身书画艺术水平的同时,还致力于书画艺术的改革创新。他在位期间,将画家的地位提到了中国历史上最高的位置。


答案  Emperor Huizong of Song, whose name is Zhao Ji, is the eighth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and one of the most famous emperors of the Song Dynasty. Though incompetent as a ruler, he is an excellent calligrapher and painter. Being an imperial member, Huizong had the advantage of being close to the top artists of that time. His flower-bird painting was mainly influenced by Wu Yuanyu. In terms of calligraphy, he first learned from Huang Tingjian, but later he created his own style known as the "Slender Gold". While devoting himself to his own artistic improvement of calligraphy and painting, Huizong also concentrated on the innovation in them. When he was on the throne, he elevated the painter’s status to the highest level in the history of China.

解析       1.第一句中,“北宋”可译为the Northern Song Dynasty。
      2.第二句指出宋徽宗是一位书画家,这说明他既是书法家也是画家,因此“一位杰出的书画家”可译为an excellent calligrapher and painter。
      3.第三句中,“身在宫苑”实际上是指宋徽宗是皇室成员,因此可意译为Being an imperial member。“一流名家”可翻译为the top artists。
      4.第四句中的“自成一家”说明宋徽宗创造了属于自己的风格,可意译为created his own style。
      5.末句中的“在位期间”有固定表达,即be on the throne。
