
admin2013-06-12  38

问题    加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放的新起点。我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。中国将进一步向亚洲和世界开放,向各国的企业家、投资者开放。我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税壁垒。我们也将不断完善法治,创造更加公平.透明和可预见的市场环境。同时,我们还将大力实施“走出去”战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界。


答案 China’s accession to the World Trade Organization represents the new starting point for its opening to the outside world. Our participation in worldwide economic cooperation and competition will assume greater scope and depth. China will open its door still wider to the rest of Asia and the world, to entrepreneurs and investors of all countries. We will honor our WTO commitments, opening more areas in a phased manner, lowering our tariffs and removing nontariff barriers. We will continue to improve our rule of law, thus bringing about in China a market environment that is fairer, more transparent and more predictable. In the meantime, we will energetically carry out our "going global" strategy, encouraging more Chinese firms of multiple ownerships to operate globally. The Chinese people love peace. China’s development needs peace. But an economically developed China will pose no threat to any country or region. China is, and will always be, an important force making for world peace and common development.

