It was not hot that day, but many were sweltering. Julius Stretcher. the Jew - baiter of Nuremberg. was there. This sadist an

admin2010-04-28  17

问题     It was not hot that day, but many were sweltering.
   Julius Stretcher. the Jew - baiter of Nuremberg. was there. This sadist and pornographer, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip seemed to have wilted. A bald, decrepit-looking old man, he sat perspiring profusely, glaring at the judges and convincing himself--so a guard later told me--that they were all Jew. There was Fritz Sauckel, the boss of slave labor in the Third Reich ,his narrow little slit eyes giving him a porcine appearance, lie seemed nervous, swaying to and fro. Next to him was Boldnr yon Sehaeht, the first Hitler Youth Leader and later Gauleiter of Vienna, more Amex-icon by birth than German and looking like a country college boy who has been kicked out of school for some folly. There was Walther Funk, the shifty - eyed nonentity who had succeeded Schacht. And there was Dr. Schacht himself, who had spent the last months of the Third Reich as a prisoner of his once revered Fuehrer in a concentration camp, fearing execution any day, and who now bristled with indignation that the Allies should try him as a war criminal. Franz van Papen, more responsible than any other individual in Germany for Hitler’s coming to power, had been rounded up and made a defendant. He seemed much aged, but the look of the old fox, who had escaped from so many tight fixes ,was still imprinted on his wizened face. There were still others who once had their days were nervous, fearing to be put to death some day.


答案 纽伦堡的反犹专家尤利乌斯?施特莱彻也在那里,我曾见到过他在这座古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,这个虐待狂和色情狂患者好像蔫了一样。他看上去是个秃顶的糟老头,坐在那里,用汗淋淋的眼睛瞪着那些法官,心想这班人一定都足犹太人,这是一个狱卒后来告诉我的。 在被告席上的还有沙赫特的继任者,目光躲闪,无足轻重的人物瓦尔特?丰克。沙赫特博士也在那里,在第三帝国最后的几个月中,他被他所敬重过的元首关进集中营,担心随时可能被处死。现在他气愤的是,盟军竟然把他也当作战犯审判。弗朗滋?冯?巴本对希特勒的上台比其他任何人都要负更大的责任,现在也被抓来当被告。他似乎老多了,不过他的曾经多次侥幸脱险的老狐狸的神情,仍然划在他那干瘪的老脸上。

解析      第一句有一个定语从句,所以采用分译法,将定语从句单独译出,第二句采用“词性转换法”将形容词decrepit-looking变成动词“看上去”。紧接着一句直接采用“包孕法”,将定语从句直接译成定语,因为这个定语从句不长。下一句有二个较长的定语从句,将“and who now bristled with…”分译出去。前一个定语从句译成分句与主句构成一个句子,这句中也用“语序调整法”。将句子顺序调整。最后两句中,后一句较难翻译。译文采用“包孕法”将定语从句直接译成定语,放在名词前。
