A、Tuition fees. B、Food and lodging. C、Inheritances. D、Characters. C

admin2022-10-10  16

M: Is marriage a good financial move for you? On today’s money, marriage and your finances, Money in Today’s Financials’ editor Jean Chatzky will give us some advice. Jean, hey!
W: Hey!
M: So marriage is a beautiful thing. But look at it from a financial perspective; is it a smart thing to get married?
W: It rolls a lot of people’s assets into a risky position.
M: And having that money talk when you are in love is so hard, isn’t it?
W: It’s hard when you are not in love. If you don’t have these conversations, then you are going to really do yourself serious financial damage.
M: Although it is a tough job to talk about money, you gotta have the talk, right?
W: Yeah, that’s true!
M: Now, I always thought according to taxes, like everyone say, oh, getting married is so good for your taxes; you always end up saving money on taxes. Is it true or not?
W: Not necessarily. If you file jointly, that’s probably the best way to go, but there is the thing called marriage penalty and it doesn’t go away when you get older. You can actually lose money to taxes.
M: That’s the prenup, right? I mean, you should just get a prenup, which means you have to fix out an agreement before marriage.
W: Well, a lot of people really do need to look at the prenup question. The older you are, the more you come to the party with, particularly if you come to the party with either kids from a previous marriage or a business. You gotta protect that, and that means getting a lawyer in your court and a lawyer in his and sitting down at the table.
M: Well, let’s talk about kids. If you have grown kids, how does getting married later in life affect them?
W: You have to look at the question of inheritances. If your new spouse is gonna all of a sudden inherit everything that you have, your kids are all of a sudden not going to unless you take care of that in your wills and with the prenup.
M: OK. Let’s talk about the pros of getting married. Financially what are…what’s the good side of that?
W: There are some good things in terms of real estate. Also you are gonna save money on auto insurance premiums and homeowner insurance premiums. So there are some good things and two people can definitely live more cheaply than two apart.
M: And again, you know it’s just important to have the money discussion no matter how painful it is, right?
W: Absolutely. And if you can’t do it yourself, sit down with an advisor and do it together, but do it.
M: OK, Jean. Thank you so much for the great advice.
W: My pleasure to share my ideas with you?
1. What is the main topic of the interview?
2. According to Jean Chatzky, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
3. According to the interview, what does Jean Chatzky indicate?
4. In what aspect related to kids should a person consider before marriage?
5. What do we know about marriage according to the interview?

选项 A、Tuition fees.
B、Food and lodging.


