The Effects of Television on Children’s Social Relations TV presents the child with a distorted definition of reality. The c

admin2017-11-16  25

问题                 The Effects of Television on Children’s Social Relations
    TV presents the child with a distorted definition of reality. The child in the affluent suburb or the small mid-western town exists within his own limited reality. His experience with social problems or people of different races, religions, or nationalities is probably somewhat limited. As television exposes him to a diversity of people and ideas, it surely expands the boundaries of his-reality. It is precisely because he now relies heavily on TV to define other realities for him that we must examine carefully what those images are. If they are inaccurate or distorted, then television’s reality is potentially harmful.
    TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omitting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way. It portrays some categories of people with beauty, power and importance and renders others weak, helpless or invisible. So serious is the relative invisibility of some groups on TV that Dr. George Gerbner of the Annenberg School of Communications contends, "If you’re not on TV, you don’t exist."
    The TV camera selects certain images to be examples, sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civilization instead of the best. When TV producers focus on violent ugliness, they lift it out and hold it up for all to see, making it impressively larger than life. A fist fight that occurs outside my window and is witnessed by only five people may be videotaped, broadcast and "witnessed" vicariously by millions of people, thus multiplying the example set by the fist fighters. In the United States, most people have not witnessed murder, yet because of television most children have seen hundreds of thousands of violent deaths and therefore believe that the world is more violent than it actually is.
    TV says, in effect: This is the way the world works. There are the rules. The images presented on TV tend to be exaggerated or glorified, and so believed and accepted as models to be copied. After TV heavily promoted Evel Knievel’s attempt to "fly" his motorcycle Over the Snake River, many children imitated his stunts with their bicycles on home made ramps. And many landed in hospitals.
    TV affects human relationships as well as behavior by influencing our feelings about ourselves and our expectations for ourselves and others. Too frequently stereotypes provide us with instant definitions. The stereotype assigns to an individual characteristics associated with a group that may or may not be accurate. We tend to note a single feature of a person and fill in the details from a storehouse of stereotypes.
    Via TV’s stereotypes we see men as strong and active, women pretty and at home. All too frequently, minorities are cast in exaggerated portrayals and stereotyped roles, more as white male producers perceive them than the way minority persons perceive them selves.
    Exposure to stereotyped presentations can easily influence viewers behavior toward unfamiliar people. TV images, in fact, teach values and behaviors, especially to children who have little firsthand knowledge of the real world. To the extent that children are exposed to certain characters portrayals and behaviors on TV, they may acquire or learn those behaviors and roles and eventually accept them as models for their own attitudes and actions.
    Perhaps most serious are the effects of information distortions on the child’s self-image. At some level we begin to judge our own meaning, dignity and worth in comparison with the TV characters who portray people like us. We should be fully aware that there inaccurate or distorted portrayal may be harmful to children’s growth.


答案I. Introduction: The presentation of distorted reality on TV A. Children’s limited experience B. Children’s heavy reliance on TV C. TV’s distorted reality D. Thesis: The reality as presented by TV is potentially harmful. II. Different ways of distorting reality A. Portrayal of stereotypes B. Selection of the undesirable III. TV’s strong effects A. Children’s imitation of stars, actions B. Inaccurate portrayal of unfamiliar people C. Children’s acceptance of TV images as models D. Harmful effects on the child’s self-image

解析     这是一篇关于电视对孩子与社会接触的影响的文章,要写出提纲,首先要了解文章各段所讲的内容和各段落之间的关系。
    (1)distorted definition of reality对现实的歪曲
    (2)expand the boundary扩大视野
    (3)rely on依赖于
    If they are inaccurate or distorted,then television’s reality is potentially harmful.
    TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omitting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way
    (1)hold up举出,拿出;
    (2)witnessed by被见证,被目击
    The TV camera selects certain images to be examples,sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civilization instead of the best.
第四段:实质上,电视就是在说:世界就是这样运作的。这种展现是有规定的。呈现在电视上的影像往往是夸张的或被美化了的,这样才能被相信并被接受来作为模仿的典范。在电视上大肆渲染了Evel Knievel的飞车越江表演后,许多孩子纷纷效仿,结果进了医院。
    The images presented on TV tend to be exaggerated or glorified,and so believed and accepted as models to be copied.呈现在电视上的影像往往是夸张的或被修饰过的,这样才能被相信并被接受来作为模仿的典范。第五段:电视通过影响我们的自我感觉及我们对自我和他人的期望来影响人际关系和言行举止。成规的频繁出现给予我们“速成定义”。成规提供给个人的相关特征不一定全是准确的。我们倾向于只看到一个人的一个特点,然后用成规偏见来评价这个人。
    as well as和……一样
    (1)firsthand knowledge第一手资料
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