如今大学生的生活方式正在发生着变化。越来越多的学生课余时间足不出户,变成了宅男宅女(indoors-man or indoorswoman)。网络为学生打发课余时间提供了许多选择。各种校园快捷服务(on-campus service),从送餐到洗衣服务,促

admin2016-04-20  38

问题     如今大学生的生活方式正在发生着变化。越来越多的学生课余时间足不出户,变成了宅男宅女(indoors-man or indoorswoman)。网络为学生打发课余时间提供了许多选择。各种校园快捷服务(on-campus service),从送餐到洗衣服务,促进了“宅文化”的发展。一些学生认为户外运动或是社交活动都不如宅在宿舍里玩电脑来得痛快。生活不规律、缺乏锻炼已经成为大学生的健康公敌。


答案 Now colleges and universities are seeing a change in the students’ lifestyle. More and more college students prefer to stay in the dormitory in their leisure time and become indoorsmen or in-doorswomen. The Internet offers students many options to kill the spare time. Various on-campus services, from food delivery to laundry services, are fuelling the culture of staying in dormitories. Some students argue that outdoor sports or social activities are no better than staying in the dormitory and playing on a computer. Irregular life and lack of physical exercise have become the health enemy of college students.

解析 1.第1句可译为Now college students’lifestyles are changing,但大学既有college也有university,若把主语转换为colleges and universities,采用“主语(时间、地点)+see sth.”的句型来表达则会更为准确,故本句也可译作Now colleges and universities are seeing a change…。
2.第3句中的“为学生打发课余时间提供了许多选择”可套用offer sb.sth.(为某人提供某物)结构。“打发课余时间”可处理成表目的的状语,译为to kill the spare time。
3.第4句中的“从送餐到洗衣服务”是对“校园快捷服务”的补充说明,可译为from food delivery to laundryservices,作插入语。“宅文化”为专有名词,宅的字面义是“待在家里”,但本文讲的是大学生,故此处应指“待在宿舍里”,故“宅文化”可意译为the culture of staying in dormitories。“促进了‘宅文化’的发展”既可译为have promoted the culture of...;也可译为are fuelling the culture of…,简单生动。fuel在此处取的是比喻义。
4.倒数第2句中的“不如……来得痛快”是中文特有的表达,不可直译,可用be not better than来表达,或按其字面义译为gain more pleasure from…than…。
