A、The United Arab Emirates doesn’t want to make enemy with America. B、The United Arab Emirates has its own resources and there a

admin2016-06-19  24

Iran says it has sent a naval force into the Gulf of Omen to clear mines. Thehran Radio said the operation would begin only if the United Arab Emirates agreed to allow Iranian mine-sweeping forces into their territorial waters. But shortly after the Iranian announcement, the United Arab Emirates turned down the idea, saying they would rely on their own resources and that in any case their coastal waters were now almost clear of mines. Iran had asked to be allowed into the area after several mines were detected in waters off the port of Fujairah. Iran has blamed the United States for laying the mines. However, a BBC correspondent in the area says it is widely assumed the Iranians put them there.
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
5. Which country Iran wants the cooperation with in minesweeping operation?
6. Why does the United Arab Emirates reject Iran’s minesweeping operation?
7. Which country laid the mines in the Gulf of Oman?

选项 A、The United Arab Emirates doesn’t want to make enemy with America.
B、The United Arab Emirates has its own resources and there are no mines in that waters.
C、The United Arab Emirate is far from Iran.
D、The United Arab Emirate is afraid of Iran.


解析 细节题。eyshlisteninga中说到,阿拉伯联合酋长国拒绝了这一提议,说他们会依靠自己的力量,且他们沿海领域现在没有地雷了,故选B,其他几个选项在eyshlisteninga中并没有涉及。题干中的reject(拒绝,否认)和eyshlisteninga中的turn down(拒绝)同义。
