A、He threatened to kill himself. B、He took some hostages. C、He robbed a bank. D、He threatened other people. D本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(8)可

admin2017-03-20  29

M: Of course, it is true to say that there are certain elements in the world who are... er... resorting to firearms.
W: The organized professional criminals?
M:(6)The organized professional criminals, this sort of people. Well, of course, one takes one’s chances which you don’t think about, you know?
W: But your impression is that England is not a violent society.
M:(7)Well, I don’t think we are a violent people. You see, I think as a nation, if I can put it that way, we are...er...we love compromise, you know?
W: Umm.
M: Everything we do is a compromise and I think in that...er...because of what I think probably we are not so violent.
W: Have you faced a man with a weapon for instance?
M: I haven’t faced a man with a weapon.(8)I have had an occasion where I had a man he has...er... locked himself into a house and he wouldn’t come out and he was threatening people with all sorts of things.
W: What did you do in that particular case?
M:(9)Well, you just go and sit down and have a chat with him. You talk to him. You start talking outside the building and you walk in and you eventually get to the bottom of the stairs and you talk and talk and you try to build up some understanding or some common point, some common denominator between you.
W: Understanding?
M: Understanding. Once you do that then you have this...
W: You mean you have to get his trust first?
M: I think so.
W: This is what you did on this particular occasion?
M: Yes, and I hope this doesn’t sound pompous?
W: No.
M: And this is it and of course, everything works out quite well.(10)You have got to be patient.
This is the end of Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.
6. Who would probably use firearms according to the interview?
7. According to the interviewee, what do the English people love?
8. According to the interview, what did the man locking himself in a house do?
9. What did the interviewee do to handle the man who locked himself in a house?
10. What is the most important factor in dealing with a life-threatening situation?

选项 A、He threatened to kill himself.
B、He took some hostages.
C、He robbed a bank.
D、He threatened other people.


解析 本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(8)可知,受访人遇到过一个把自己锁在屋子里的人,他拒绝出去,用各种各样的东西威胁他人,故答案为[D]。
