(本小题可以选用中文或英文解答,如使用英文解答,须全部使用英文) ABC会计师事务所接受委托对Z公司2015年度财务报表进行审计,委派C注册会计师为项目合伙人,在具体审计过程中,发生下列事项: ①在执行监盘审计程序的过程中,Z公司存货盘点时间为20

admin2017-04-17  16

问题 (本小题可以选用中文或英文解答,如使用英文解答,须全部使用英文)
  ③在检查存货盘点结果时,C注册会计师从存货实物中选取项目追查至存货盘点记录, 目的在于测试是否存在漏盘的存货。


答案①存在不当之处。存货的监盘时间不正确。存货监盘的时间应当与Z公司的存货盘点时间相协调,不应该在盘点结束后才进行存货监盘。 ②存在不当之处。存货已经质押的,且为重要的存货,注册会计师不应当仅仅通过电话予以核实确认。应当向债权人(银行)函证与被质押的存货有关的内容,取得书面证据,必要时到银行实施监盘程序。 ③不存在不当之处。在执行检查程序时,注册会计师应当从存货盘点记录中选取项目追查至存货实物,以测试盘点记录的准确性;注册会计师还应当从存货实物中选取项目追查至存货盘点记录,以测试存货盘点记录的完整性。 ④存在不当之处。注册会计师将存货盘点记录与账簿记录进行核对,发现重大差异的,应实施追加审计程序,这种做法是正确的,但是对于属于账簿记录中登记有误的,应该建议Z公司进行调整。注册会计师应建议对于仅仅签订购货合同就确认的材料予以冲减。 ①It is not appropriate.The timing of observing inventory is inappropriate.The timing should be coordinated with the timing that Z Company uses in counting the inventory, rather than after Z Company did so. ②It is not appropriate.If the inventory,which is material,has been already pledged as collateral,a CPA should not only confirm it by phone,but also should confirm with the credit(the bank)about the pledged inventory,obtain written evidence,and observe the relevant procedures at bank if necessary. ③It is not appropriate.When performing the inspection procedures,a CPA should test the accuracy of the inventory count records by vouching items selected from the count records to the physical inventory,and should also test the completeness by tracing items selected from the physical inventory to the count record. ④It is not appropriate.It is correct that the CPA perform further audit procedures after he/she reconciled the inventory count record to the book and found material difference between them.However,the CPA sho-uld advise Z Company to adjust misstatements in book and to write off the materials recognized merely owing to procurement contracts are signed.

本试题收录于: 审计题库注册会计师分类
