上海五角场市场是很热闹的。每一次我到那儿去,都感到很激动。我非常喜欢站在一边看着周围发生的事情。 那个市场由四个不同的商品部门组成:衣服,鱼肉,蔬菜和鸡蛋。 你一到衣服部,就会听见摊贩大声叫卖。到处五彩缤纷。摊贩站在小小的拥挤不堪的摊子后面

admin2016-10-27  48

问题     上海五角场市场是很热闹的。每一次我到那儿去,都感到很激动。我非常喜欢站在一边看着周围发生的事情。


答案Wu Jiao Chang market in Shanghai has a very lively, bustling atmosphere. Every time I go there, I feel really excited. I thoroughly enjoy standing on one side and watching events taking place around me. You could say the market is made up of four sections selling different goods; clothing, fish and meat, vegetables and eggs. As soon as you reach the clothing section, you can hear the stallholders loudly shouting their wares. Everywhere is a tapestry of color. Stallholders stand behind tiny tightly cluttered stalls. They either haggle over prices with customers, or discuss the latest gossip with other stallholders. There are two types of clothing sold in the clothing section; one kind is the very standard, blue, old-style Mao suit, the other however is trendy, new style clothing. Together they form a striking contrast. Amongst that amount of clothing it is sometimes hard to even see the stallholder. In the meat and fish department, you can see stallholders continuously hacking away at stinking fish and meat. Underneath the stalls are basins full of water, containing numerous live fish. The cages on the left-hand side are crammed with barely surviving chickens. You can hear them screeching—each one’s space is far from adequate. In the vegetable section, all kinds of fresh vegetables are displayed on the stalls; red peppers, green peppers, purple egg-plants and so on. There are also fruit stalls here; apples, bananas, and oranges are most commonly seen.

