舞龙(the dragon dance)广受全国各民族人民的喜爱。早在商代(the Shang Dynasty),就已经出现了人们聚在一起祭龙求雨的记载;此后各朝代的诗文中都有大量关于舞龙的描述。时至今日,舞龙仍是喜庆节日场合最常见的娱乐方式。全国的舞龙有

admin2016-04-20  44

问题     舞龙(the dragon dance)广受全国各民族人民的喜爱。早在商代(the Shang Dynasty),就已经出现了人们聚在一起祭龙求雨的记载;此后各朝代的诗文中都有大量关于舞龙的描述。时至今日,舞龙仍是喜庆节日场合最常见的娱乐方式。全国的舞龙有上百种,表演形式越来越丰富多彩。舞龙体现了中国人团结、奋进的精神,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产,中国文化的标志之一。


答案 The dragon dance is widely popular among various ethnic groups throughout China. As early as in the Shang Dynasty, there were records about people gathering to worship the dragon and pray for rain. Poems and articles in later dynasties are rich in their descriptions of dragon dances. Even today, the dragon dance is still the most typical form of entertainment at festivals and celebrations. In China, there are over a hundred kinds of dragon dance whose performance is increasingly diverse and colorful. Displaying the Chinese spirits of being united and progressive, the dragon dance is China’s precious cultural heritage and one of the symbols of Chinese culture.

解析 1.第2句中的“就已经出现了……的记载”可用表存在的there be句型译出。“人们聚在一起祭龙求雨”是“记载”(record)的内容,是其同位语,可以用同位语从句that people gathered to…来表达,也可用介词短语about people gathering to worship the dragon and pray for rain来表达。
2.翻译第3句中的“舞龙仍是喜庆节日场合最常见的娱乐方式”时,先译出主干(the dragon dance is a formof entertainment),再插入其他成分。“最常见的”可表达为the most typical,也可译成most commonlyseen作后置定语。地点状语“喜庆节日场合”表达为at festivals and celebrations,置于句末。
3.第4句“全国的舞龙有……,表演形式越来越……”可译成并列结构there are over…and the perfor-mance is increasingly…,但如把后半句处理成定语从句whose performance is increasingly…,则结构更紧凑,逻辑关系更强。
4.最后一句中,“舞龙体现了……,是中华民族……,(是)中国文化……”为3个并列结构,可照原结构来翻译:The dragon dance displays…,is…and is…,但这样处理译文显得繁冗拖沓。宜把“舞龙体现了……”处理成原因状语,用表示一般状态的现在分词短语来表达,译作Displaying the Chinese spirits of…。“团结、奋进的精神”可译为spirits of unity and progress,但不如译为spirits of being united and progressive,这样更能表现出动作的生动性,也更达意。
