上海进出口公司(SHANGHAI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.LTD.)于2007年2月10日与澳大利亚KKK公司就全棉男式六袋短裤(Men’s 100%cotton drill 6 pocketshort)签订一份销售合同。具体内容如下:

admin2010-05-08  28

问题 上海进出口公司(SHANGHAI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.LTD.)于2007年2月10日与澳大利亚KKK公司就全棉男式六袋短裤(Men’s 100%cotton drill 6 pocketshort)签订一份销售合同。具体内容如下:
                   PURCHASE CONTRACT
                           P/C NO.;A070101
DATE:10 FEB.2007
   The seller:                              The buyer:
   Shanghai Import & Export Co.Ltd.                    KKK IMPORT CO.LTD.
   1231 Zhongshan Road.,                       37 Victoria,Australia
   We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as stipulated below:
   Description of goods:
   Men’s 100%cotton drill 6 pocket short,details as per original sample KKK No.303060,but change toelastic waistband Fabric:
   100%cotton drill 20x20 108x58:soft wash.
   As per order no.121
   Size and color assortment.


Payment :
   50% by T/T in advance, 500% by T/T afterwards
   Each piece in a polybag, 12 pieces into an export carton. ,with assorted sizes and colors.
   Maximum size of export cartons:
   Length        Width        Height
   60            50              variable
   Shipping Marks:
   Shipping mark includes KKK P/C no. , port of destination, and carton no.
   Side mark must show the color, pieces per carton, gross weight and country of origin
   Main label:KKK  in center back
   Care label:in left waistband   2cm away from main label  to show order no.
   Hangtag:through main label
   The following items will have to be sent by FEDEX, prepaid, and will advise dispatch details to the buyer immediately.
   Lab dips each color in 3 pieces.
   Approval samples 4 pcs in size M 15 days after the contract date in buyer’s office
   Pre-production samples 4 pieces in size M  TO be advised later
   Size/color set samples before delivery
   Please note the pre-produetion samples could be made after the fabric has been tested and passed by ITS.
   Shanghai Branch, then will be sent to buyers’ quality assurance department.  "Go" for production can
   only be given after their approval.
   PORT OF DESTINATION:Melbourne/Brisbane
   UNIT PRICE: AUD6.50 PER PIECE CFR Melbourne/Brisbane
   QUANTITY:12000 pieces
   AMOUNT:AUD 78000.00
   3% more or less both in quantity and amount are permitted.
   6000 pieces to Melbourne before April 30,2007 but not earlier than April 15,2007
   6000 pieces to Brisbane before April 30,2007 but not earlier than April 15,2007
   All garments’ manufacturers must meet the minimum manufacturing standards,  comply with the
   SA8000. AZO-colors fabric and embroidery and nickel press buttons are strongly prohibited.


答案SA8000是社会责任认证体系,它的英文是sOClAL ACOUNTABILITY,其主要内容有:(1)不允许使用童工,公司不得使用或支持使用强迫性劳动,也不得要求员工在受雇时交纳“押金”或寄存身份证件。公司应尊重所有员工结社自由和集体谈判权,公司不得有各种歧视行为。(2)健康与安全。为员工提供健康安全的工作环境;为所有员工提供安全卫生的生活环境。(3)工时与工资。公司应在任何情况下都不能经常要求员工一周工作超过48小时,并且每7天至少应有一天休假;每周加班时间不超过12小时,除非在特殊情况下及短期业务需要时不得要求加班;且应保证加班能获得额外津贴。公司支付给员工的工资不应低于法律或行业的最低标准,并且必须足以满足员工的基本需求。(4)管理系统。公司高管层应根据本标准制定符合社会责任与劳工条件的公司政策。

