The studies were carried out by Natalia Rakova (MD, PhD) of the Medical Center and her colleagues. The subjects were two groups

admin2019-04-11  58

问题    The studies were carried out by Natalia Rakova (MD, PhD) of the Medical Center and her colleagues. The subjects were two groups of 10 male volunteers sealed into a mock spaceship for two simulated flights to Mars. The first group was examined for 105 days; the second over 205 days. They had identical diets except that over periods lasting several weeks, they were given three different levels of salt in their food.
   The results confirmed that eating more salt led to a higher salt content in urine—no surprise there. Nor was there any surprise in a correlation between amounts of salt and overall quantity of u-rine. But the increase wasn’t due to more drinking—in fact, a salty diet caused the subjects to drink less. Salt was triggering a mechanism to conserve water in the kidneys.


答案 研究由医学中心的医学博士Natalia Rakova和她的同事们执行。受试者为两组男性志愿者,每组10人,他们被封闭在模拟飞船中,完成两次模拟火星飞行。第一组志愿者的测试时间为105天,第二组超过205天。在接受测试的数周内,他们的饮食完全相同,不过食物的含盐量分为三个不同的等级。 结果证实,摄入盐分较多导致尿液含盐量增高——这不足为奇。盐分和尿液总量存在相关性也不令人惊讶。但尿量增多并不是因为喝了更多水——事实上,高盐饮食反而导致受试者饮水量减少。盐分触发了某种引发肾脏储存水分的机制。

