蹴鞠(Cuju)是中国古代的一项球类运动。它是竞技运动,要把球踢进球网内。该运动是为了训练士兵而发明的。在汉代(the Han Dynasty),从军队到皇室,乃至贵族阶层,蹴鞠都很盛行。由于社会经济的发展,蹴鞠在宋代(the Song Dynasty)甚

admin2016-08-25  23

问题     蹴鞠(Cuju)是中国古代的一项球类运动。它是竞技运动,要把球踢进球网内。该运动是为了训练士兵而发明的。在汉代(the Han Dynasty),从军队到皇室,乃至贵族阶层,蹴鞠都很盛行。由于社会经济的发展,蹴鞠在宋代(the Song Dynasty)甚至风靡社会各阶层。当时,职业蹴鞠球员十分普遍。这些球员分为两类:一类是由皇室训练并为皇室表演,而另一类则由靠蹴鞠谋生的平民百姓组成。


答案 Cuju is an ancient Chinese ball game. It is a competitive game that involves kicking a ball through an opening into a net. The game was invented for military training purposes. During the Han Dynasty, the popularity of Cuju spread from the army to the royal courts and upper classes. Due to social and economic development, the sport even extended its popularity to every class in society during the Song Dynasty. At that time, professional Cuju players were quite popular. These players fell into two groups: One was trained by and performed for the royal court and the other consisted of civilians who made a living as Cuju players.

解析 1.“要把球踢进球网内”可译为that引导的定语从句,修饰中心词“竞技运动”。“要……”可用involves或requires来表达。“把球踢进球网内”则可译作kicking a ball through an opening into a net。
3.“从……到……,乃至……,蹴鞠都很盛行”,既可译成the popularity of Cuju spread from…to…and…,也可译成Cuju are very popular from…to…and…。
4.“风靡社会各阶层”可译作extended its popularity to every class in society,与上句的衔接更加自然、顺畅。
5.“一类……,另一类……”译为One…the other…
6.“由……组成”可翻译成consist of或be made up of等。
