对文化遗产不感兴趣,这是目前我们社会的一个普遍现象。这些年,走宝、毁宝的事一而再、再而三地发生,见报的只是冰山的一角,没见报的更是不得了。新山书香楼“收宝”反映的是新加坡人“走宝”,另外还有毁宝事件更令人伤心,以下仅举一例: 读者某君要搬家了,清理祖

admin2010-06-18  39

问题 对文化遗产不感兴趣,这是目前我们社会的一个普遍现象。这些年,走宝、毁宝的事一而再、再而三地发生,见报的只是冰山的一角,没见报的更是不得了。新山书香楼“收宝”反映的是新加坡人“走宝”,另外还有毁宝事件更令人伤心,以下仅举一例:


答案A reader who was moving house found some calligraphy and paintings of horses and birds in an old wooden crate while clearing up stuff belonging to his late grandfather. As he could not understand Chinese, he called a Chinese newspaper for help. A reporter who went was astonished to find them to be the works of Xu Beihong, the late Chinese calligrapher and painter. As they had not been properly preserved, some of them had already "disintegrated" inside the crate while the rest broke into pieces the moment they were touched—the "galloping horses" turned into "broken horses". The reporter felt sad as nothing could be done to salvage the works of art.

