Have you ever heard that there are many plots which are designed against people? They are not designed by people on purpose, but

admin2017-11-28  30

问题     Have you ever heard that there are many plots which are designed against people? They are not designed by people on purpose, but sometimes, things happen as if they were to make people feel unhappy or frustrated. These things often happen with what is called "lifeless objects." The goal of all lifeless objects is to act against man and ultimately defeat him. Lifeless objects are classified into three kinds according to the method each object uses to achieve its purpose.
    Some objects are capable of breaking down at the moment when they are most needed. The automobile is an example. The automobile seldom breaks down while entering a filling station where a lot of repairmen have little work to do. It waits until it reaches a downtown crossroad in the middle of rush hour, or until it is fully loaded with family members and luggage on the way back from a vacation. Thus it creates inconvenience, frustration, anger, and misery for its owner. Washing machines, light bulbs, electrical fuse, automatic laundry dryers, water pipes, enclosed fireplaces, television sets, tape recorders, projectors are all in league with the automobile to take their turns breaking down whenever life threatens to flow smoothly for the humans.
    Many lifeless objects seem to be extremely difficult to break down. Money and keys, for example, are almost totally incapable of breaking down. Therefore, they have had to develop a different technique for resisting man — they get lost. It is not uncommon for money to climb all the way from a person’s pocket onto the kitchen table in its single-minded determination to raise its owner’s blood pressure. Keys have been known to hide themselves under mattresses. Women’s purses, despite their great weight, frequently travel through two or three rooms to find a hiding space under a couch. Science has still not solved the mystery of how they do it. The most seemingly reasonable theory is that they have developed a secret method of movement by which they are able to escape from the constant human observation.
    The lifeless objects which don’t work constitute the most curious of all the three kinds. They include such objects as car clocks, cigarette lighters, flashlights and toy trains. It is inaccurate, to say they never work. They work once, usually for the first few hours after being brought home, and then quit. Thereafter, they never work again. These things that don’t work have attained the highest state possible of a lifeless object, the state which things break down and things that get lost can still only hope for. They have truly defeated man by conditioning him never to expect anything of them, and in return they have given man the only peace he receives from lifeless society. He does not expect his electric train to run, his cigarette lighter to light, or his flashlight to work, and when they don’t, his blood pressure does not rise.
What can we infer from the passage?

选项 A、Money, keys and women’s purses often got lost because they are usually stolen by thieves.
B、Different from the objects that don’t work, the first two kinds of lifeless objects still give hope to people.
C、Scientists are now working on the secret way by which objects get lost, and they will soon solve the mystery.
D、Lifeless objects work against people because people often mistreat them and they want to punish people.


解析 事实细节题。第四段第六、七句提到,不工作的物品将人们训练得完全不指望它们,而另外两类无生命物品人类还能指望。[B]项是对原文的同义转述,故为答案。[A]项和[D]项属于无中生有,原文未提及,故排除;第三段倒数第二句说科学无法解释这些物品是怎么不见的,是为了强调作者对此的疑惑,而未提及有科学家对此进行研究,更没有提及这个谜题会很快被解开,故排除[C]项。
