老子说:“上善若水”——水具有最高的善。老子以水来作比喻,突出他的“不争”哲学思想,与恶意争斗的丛林法则相区别。老子说: “水善万物而不争。”水的最高的德行就是“不争”。在老子看来,人往高处走,水往低处流。人情受欲望驱使,好高而恶下,而水却永远地往下流淌。

admin2016-12-27  44

问题     老子说:“上善若水”——水具有最高的善。老子以水来作比喻,突出他的“不争”哲学思想,与恶意争斗的丛林法则相区别。老子说: “水善万物而不争。”水的最高的德行就是“不争”。在老子看来,人往高处走,水往低处流。人情受欲望驱使,好高而恶下,而水却永远地往下流淌。水是生命之源,可以滋润万物,给大地带来生命,没有水也就没有生命。水作出巨大的贡献,又不计较自己的得失。水在最低、最平、最静之处,包容天下一切,映照万物。水选择了一条和利欲熏心的人完全不同的道路。


答案Laozi said, "The greatest virtue is like water. He compared his philosophy of "non-contention" to water , to distinguish it from the law of the jungle. He said, " Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing. " As he sees it, this non-contention is the greatest virtue of water. To Laozi, humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places. Driven by desire, humans like whatever they think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior. Yet water always flows downward. As the source of life, water nourishes all living things on Earth. No life can exist without water. Water contributes to the world without regard for gain or loss. Remaining low, level and tranquil, water embraces and reflects everything under heaven. The way of water is completely different from the way of people with avid desires. But the philosophy of Laozi is by no means weak. On the contrary, it is full of strength. According to Laozi, water accumulates great strength in its weakness and quietude, which can break down all barriers in the world. He said, " Nothing in the world is weaker than water. Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong. " Water is a typical example of the weak winning over the strong. Water is invincible because it desires nothing and contends for nothing.

