What induces you, O man, to depart from your home in town, to leave parents and friends, and go to the countryside over mountain

admin2017-11-20  57

问题     What induces you, O man, to depart from your home in town, to leave parents and friends, and go to the countryside over mountains and valleys, if it is not the beauty of the world of nature which, if your consider well, you can only enjoy through the sense of sight? And since the poet claims to descriptions of such landscapes, would that not be more expedient and less fatiguing, since you could stay at home without exposing yourself to the excessive heat of the sun, stay in a cool place without moving about and exposing yourself to illness? But your soul could not enjoy the pleasures that come to it through the eyes, the windows of its habitation, it could not receive the reflections of bright places, it could not see the shady valleys watered by the play of meandering rivers, it could not see the many flowers which with their various colours compose harmonies for the eye, nor all the other things which may present themselves to the eye. But if a painter on a cold and severe winter’s day shows you his paintings of these or other countryside where you once enjoyed yourself beside some fountain, and where you can see yourself again in flowery meadows as a lover by the side of your beloved under the cool, soft shadows of green trees, will it not give you much greater pleasure than listening to the poet’s description of such a scene? (245 words)


答案 哦,人们!是什么吸引你离开城镇的家乡、离开双亲和朋友,来到山岳和溪谷的乡间?如若不是自然界的美好,你又怎会思虑周全,仅凭视觉的享受做出出走的决定?既然诗人宣称将地理风貌渲染于纸上即可,难道这不是更好的权宜之计和更省力的方法吗?因为你可以待在家中,无须将自己暴露在炎热的日光下,也无须走出去让自己处于严寒中,遭受疾病的侵袭。然而,这样你的灵魂就无法感受双眼——灵魂栖息的窗口——带来的愉悦,无法受到生机之地的洗礼,无法看到蜿蜒河水流淌着的绿树成荫的山谷,无法观赏颜色各异的繁花为视觉交织出的和谐,也无法领略展现于眼前的一切事物。但是,假设一名画家在一个严寒的冬日为你展示他的画作,画中描绘了所有这些事物,或是其他的乡村景象,你曾在那里的泉水旁享受过欢乐,并且在画中,你能够再次看到你和心爱的人在凉爽而又舒适的绿荫下行走在百花绽放的草地上,比起聆听诗人对这一景象的描绘,难道这不会让你更加感到快乐吗?

